Kinda loses its sting given how many years Germans have been making floats of Trump like this, though. Good sentiment, but I wish it amounted to something.
Not to say it’s a waste of time or they shouldn’t do this, but I’m just tired, boss.
Here’s the thing, tRUMP and his cronies want you to be tired of it. They want you to say ‘meh, this does nothing’.
They want you to accept it and move on wearily. Once enough people are worn down by it all then it will become normal and accepted.
That is how the convicted criminal and rapist ‘wins’.
You’re not wrong but I’d also look at it from the perspective of “We’ve been making statements like this for years now and the situation has only gotten worse, so what else should we be doing?” Status quo isn’t really just the result of people giving up, it’s about things remaining the same (or worse) even after trying, so what else should be tried?
Action. Stop trying to play nice and talk it through and start burning things down.
Then again it’s easy for me to say this as I am not American. I don’t live in America, and no longer want to visit America.
I’m just a guy who fucking hates that fat orange turd and wishes him dead. Even better would’ve been prison.
If I was locked up in a room with a gun and one bullet and there was Hitler and tRUMP inside with me then Hitler would survive.
Or I’d shoot Hitler and beat Mango Mussolini with the gun.
Kinda loses its sting given how many years Germans have been making floats of Trump like this, though. Good sentiment, but I wish it amounted to something.
Not to say it’s a waste of time or they shouldn’t do this, but I’m just tired, boss.
They’re halfway around the world from the US, outside of IBCM, what else are they supposed to do? It’s up to the Americans to do something.
Here’s the thing, tRUMP and his cronies want you to be tired of it. They want you to say ‘meh, this does nothing’. They want you to accept it and move on wearily. Once enough people are worn down by it all then it will become normal and accepted.
That is how the convicted criminal and rapist ‘wins’.
You’re not wrong but I’d also look at it from the perspective of “We’ve been making statements like this for years now and the situation has only gotten worse, so what else should we be doing?” Status quo isn’t really just the result of people giving up, it’s about things remaining the same (or worse) even after trying, so what else should be tried?
Action. Stop trying to play nice and talk it through and start burning things down.
Then again it’s easy for me to say this as I am not American. I don’t live in America, and no longer want to visit America.
I’m just a guy who fucking hates that fat orange turd and wishes him dead. Even better would’ve been prison.
If I was locked up in a room with a gun and one bullet and there was Hitler and tRUMP inside with me then Hitler would survive. Or I’d shoot Hitler and beat Mango Mussolini with the gun.
It’s nice to see you’re not alone in your thoughts, that the world is crazy not you.
But yeah that’s about it :(