They think this will matter to anyone?
They think this will matter to anyone?
I vote we call it the Derp State.
The Derp State.
Probably toilet paper.
Pong III: Pong Harder.
Look up what “ideal” means, and note that it doesn’t mean “only option.”
You specifically chose the word. I am responding to that. And to that end: Not participating in an election is NOT an ideal way to have a democracy. In fact- it flies is the face of it.
If you only like three of the movies, you’re not a fan of the franchise, you’re just a fan of three movies.
Pong II: The Pongening.
lesser evil voting is not a democratic ideal.
Neither is staying home and not voting at all.
I’m going to argue that Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie. It’s simply a movie where the events within it, happen to take place around Christmas time.
Die Hard is to Christmas movies what Top Gun is to romance movies, or what Casablanca is to war movies.
Just because it contains a thing, doesn’t mean it’s about said thing.
I’ve a feeling that the price of tinfoil hats is going to be increasing soon.
Elect a racist, expect racism.
Isn’t that ALL non voters do? Blame someone else? I mean, that’s their entire schtick, isn’t it? To do nothing and point the finger at others for the results?
Yup. I’d do the same.
Oh you poor thing…
…could open the door to corruption.
Given the circumstances, I’d have done the same thing. Under trump’s dictatorship, I’d imagine he wouldn’t have lived long in prison- what with all those…. Open windows.
Emotional and selfish? Right. Sooo…
• AI is ruining the environment and has yet to show any positive reason for it
• AI is taking jobs from people
• AI is destroying our art and our entertainment
But according to you…. I’m selfish for wanting to stop it.
And where do you get the idea that I’m being to emotional? Is it just that you thought it would help you by removing any validation from my statement?
How about this:
YOU don’t get to speak for me, friendo. You don’t get to decide if I’m emotional. And thank god. You seem too ignorant to be any good at psychological diagnoses.
But not murder?