Clinton was a much better candidate than trump. Like, miles ahead. They tried to pin benghazi on her for months and it was proven time and again she wasn’t responsible for it. The other argument was “but her emails”. She was experienced. She was intelligent. She didn’t sexually assault anyone. She didn’t go bankrupt every few years. She even won the popular vote. But she was a she, so that’s apparently a deal breaker in swing states.
Clinton was a much better candidate than trump. Like, miles ahead. They tried to pin benghazi on her for months and it was proven time and again she wasn’t responsible for it. The other argument was “but her emails”. She was experienced. She was intelligent. She didn’t sexually assault anyone. She didn’t go bankrupt every few years. She even won the popular vote. But she was a she, so that’s apparently a deal breaker in swing states.
These kids don’t want to hear that because it flies in the face their designer manufactured outrage, but it’s a good point nonetheless.
Like I said, this song and dance is going to go on until I die and probably long after.