Eww, PCM is still a thing?!
- hoarding food while claiming you don’t have any is the very definition of upper right
- “try getting a job” is classic bottom right
- bottom left soy boy would be the one demanding the GEP gun
- liberal quisling in the center is completely accurate
Try explaining someone how their meme is wrong. Chicks dig it when you correct someone’s meme at them. /s
The opposite of Authoritarian isn’t Libertarian, it’s egalitarian. Libertarian leads to authoritarian. This chart was made by someone who doesn’t understand that a group of like minded individuals who agree on something can exist.
You’re confusing libertarian with right-wing libertarian.
Authoritarian is when power is monopolized by a state. Libertarian is when power is distributed evenly. If you uant egalitarianism, go to the lower left. (distributed power with low focus on economical values)
I play Deus Ex, in my mind, everyone has a conspiracy to destroy the world. There are no like-minded individuals who agree on something.
Which is why we need to merge with Helios
“If there were no god, it would be necessary to invent him.”
I think OP would really enjoy the TV show “Person of Interest”, especially if he didn’t follow Jim Caviezel’s recent descent into madness.