Dear community, often, when people mention they listen to “hard music”, I just don’t feel the energy in what they show me. Many times I get to hear just monotonous, noisy, wannabe-hard sounds, but they fail to “transport energy” to me. I am looking for absolute bangers, no matter the genre. Pretty much the pinnacle of how much raw power one can convey through music. I know that this is highly subjective, but with enough suggestions, there might be some good stuff to be discovered. So far, I have only found a hand full of songs that I perceive as “hitting hard”. Andrew Hulshult has some great songs in the DUSK soundtrack (example above), and Noisia makes some bangers, their “Imperial EP” was the first time I can remember feeling what I am looking for. Please only post serious suggestions.

Edit: Thanks for all the answers! I’ll need some time to “work through” these. ;)

    2 years ago

    Shining. Specifically, the album Halmstad. Specifically, the first and last songs (the last is one of my favorite songs ever). A brutally heavy album about depression and suicide. Their whole thing (specifically their vocalist, Niklas Kvarforth) is trying to get people to harm themselves and commit suicide. Part gimmick, part truth.

    Listen to Halmstad late at night when you’re feeling down on life and it’s just an insane experience.

    Stop by ! if you want some more - I have a post with some starting bands.

    Some other favorites of the genre are Make a Change… Kill Yourself (my favorite), Leviathan, and Xasthur.