Oh no, you!

  • 15 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2024


  • Much of license requirements are based on the fact that operating without proper knowledge can cause issues. You mentioned radio, which is a perfect example of this: emergency frequencies is one thing, but there are a lot of other frequencies that should be left alone. And learning which frequency ranges should and shouldn’t be used for certain activities is part of the process of obtaining a license.

    Source: I have a GOC (unrestricted maritime radio certificate).

    Real life example that I stumbled across as part of my job a few years ago.

    1. Customer calls in needing help with his VHF radio.
    2. It worked fine but his DSC calls were often traced to the wrong position.
    3. Turns out some little dinghy had an incorrectly programmed radio: The owner had bought it, and when faced with question about MMSI, he had just input numbers that vaguely resembled a valid MMSI, and started using it.
    4. Oops, this “bogus” MMSI belonged to our customer.

    He was fined a lot for operating without a license. If he was licensed (He didn’t need the full GOC… just the one day course would’ve been enough for his use case) he would’ve known that he could have gotten his own MMSI for 20$ equivalent.

    Other licenses are often based on covering costs, reducing popularity, or both. Hunting licenses here are issued based on how much moose and deer is in the area. This also covers the cost of building infrastructure to prevent them from running across roads where they really shouldn’t, and repairing farmers’ fences that have been “traversed” by moose.
    Fishing in the river that runs through my town is also licensed in a similar manner: The amount (and price) of licenses is based on how much salmon there is.

  • Does it have to be a new laptop? What you’re describing is basically a used work laptop. I’ve gotten to take my work PCs with me upon leaving, and I use them still. My current work laptop is in fact the work laptop from my previous employer, only with a fresh reinstall (Linux Minr Debian Edition), and it works well.

    If you’re able to source a 2nd hand Dell, you’ll probably have what you need. Might need a battery replacement, but that’s easy enough to sort out.

    Linux Mint works pretty well out of the box for most installs, so I suggest you give it a try and see if it does what you need.

  • No sources from me, only uneducated guesswork.

    Two events of 1971 stand out to me, as I knew of them beforehand:

    • My brother was born. Not relevant to the question at hand (I hope), I just wanted to mention it.
    • The oil crisis.

    The latter strikes me as probably a big factor. The world was basically using oil for everything (Even more so than now), and an oil shortage (or fear thereof) is likely to send a drastic shock to the system. Manufacturing, logistics, energy, EVERYTHING becomes more expensive, resulting in having to do more with less.

    Shortly after the (percieved) shortage, there was an oil glut and overcorrection. I’m not clever enough to say what effect this would have in exact terms, but I highly doubt that an already turbulent world economy did well because of it.

  • I tried to (re)watch Lucky Number Slevin, but I just couldn’t finish it.

    I first watched it when it came out, and I remember liking it, but I didn’t remember much of the actual movie. So I decided to rewatch it recently and… I absolutely hate it. I figured I may have found some of the dialog funny before, but now it’s just tiresome.

    I like convoluted plots, but here I get the sense that it’s convoluted just for the sake of being convoluted. On top of that the writing seems to have been done by a 17 year old who thinks he’s the smartest person in the world coming up with the dialog, but in the end you have a movie that simply tries too damn hard to seem smart.

    I found myself rolling my eyes so much that I gave up halfway through.