The fact this reply is getting thumbs downs just proves that those doing so are, in one way or another, puppets of the OP.
It’s nice to meet all you. I am she/her, can speak Toki Pona and English (non-natively), and locatable on Reddit as MozartWasARed. The links at https://discord.gg/sEuSSDz6TQ and https://www.deviantart.com/triagonal/art/My-copyright-policy-and-the-impact-it-extends-into-906668443 are pertinent to me.
The fact this reply is getting thumbs downs just proves that those doing so are, in one way or another, puppets of the OP.
Then it’s a good thing I neither want anything of yours nor am going to tell anyone that anytime soon, now isn’t it?
I also never gave away any personal information not already given by one’s user-name (and have given no other bit of info of anyone without their consent). You, on the other hand, have provided a literal dump. If what you’re doing isn’t “doxxing”, what I’ve done most certainly isn’t.
Did he tell you it would break some of the rules to do so?
You leave a bit out. The previous message is archived. Now try going to the main URL. It’s gone.
As long as we’re talking about who can and can’t read, quote a part, any part, and I will tell you how it’s incomplete. Or go the extra mile and read up on the other perspective.
That moment when you realize the thumbs downs are automated or done out of spite, based on the fact that a remark was withdrawn before getting the 5+ thumbs down. They have no credibility anymore, and rule enforcers should take note at who gives things thumbs ups and thumbs downs.
It would be good, then, that I don’t fit most definitions of a troll, as far as I’m aware. What you are looking at is, as I can attest (as well as prove), a mixture of falsehoods, things taken out of context, things exaggerated to seem wrong, dead issues, and unconsented releases of personal information, all by one of any number of individuals who, if you look me up, has been happening everywhere, in obvious slander campaign fashion. They redirect to some of that, though they rejoice in the fact most people do not pick issues apart and give a true critique, instead looking at one person’s warnings and garnering a general idea. This isn’t some dismissal, it has been implied by those who realize their mistake.
People often ask me how or why I work for a media company that works in front of recording footage if I have stage fright. One does not necessitate having to expect the other, which is good because there’s very little I can do work-wise.
It would be good, then, that I don’t fit most definitions of a troll, as far as I’m aware. What you are looking at is, as I can attest (as well as prove), a mixture of falsehoods, things taken out of context, things exaggerated to seem wrong, dead issues, and unconsented releases of personal information, all by one of any number of individuals who, if you look me up, has been happening everywhere, in obvious slander campaign fashion. They redirect to some of that, though they rejoice in the fact most people do not pick issues apart and give a true critique, instead looking at one person’s warnings and garnering a general idea. This isn’t some dismissal, it has been implied by those who realize their mistake.
Searches manifest themselves differently for everyone. But in all of them, the majority is slander against me, virtually nothing but false complaints about me that are absolutist in their measures to paint me as some kind of negative individual. Even when I am condemnable, and I apologize, your approach and the approach of others is to speak for the person who forgave me and invalidate that, as I explained in an explanation of my perspective that is now getting flak because the next complaint is “it was asked by an anon, therefore it must be the person asking themself the question”. Which isn’t even abnormal, as some of the slander against me pulls people in based on association with me, sometimes claiming they are me so that additional claims can be added.
I am not sure what you are referring to as the logs don’t show anything like that, but the closest thing to what you were describing was done because the comment advocated the acts of Luigi Mangione. As a rule enforcer, I’m around to enforce the rules, especially the TOS. In the case I described, I explained to multiple people that’s why I removed it. And I’m she/her, not he/him (please don’t do what transphobes do).
It is doxxing going by the definition laid out in the TOS. And it would be in most over places, because it’s still locally undisclosed personal information. As has been discovered by a rogue admin, some of what you say I have disclosed in fact hasn’t been disclosed, some not anywhere. When you look up my name, for example, what do you find? Just the slander your likes have been spreading everywhere.
You aren’t actually concerned about doxxing, you want this post to get deleted
Spoken like someone who came storming in not caring about the TOS. I strive to go by the TOS wherever I go, which might be why, aside from DA, the only places I’ve been given the boot from (out of the thousands of places I’m in) are those where it’s stated that who is banned is up to unspoken rules and opinions admins might have. And even these I respect, and I don’t go anywhere that isn’t my business.
When it comes to how to react, admins know better. Critical thinkers know better. Your puppets, be them hands-on or inspired, don’t. There lies the difference. I know my people. It doesn’t help peoples’ cases when they admit to not looking into it all before reacting. Your closing argument, as well as having a deceptive premise, just screams “I don’t care that the people in charge made this place with their own hands, I’m going to defy them”, which you did by using a serious center as a means to incite a reaction. So you’re one to talk (especially about boundaries).
The fact this reply is getting thumbs downs just proves that those doing so are, in one way or another, puppets of the OP.
Funny thing about that, I have. But one side doesn’t give up.
Could something be done about it then? It’s using a serious place as a way to incite a reaction with a combination of slander and doxxing. The same kind of thing happened elsewhere, and the people in charge there, from looking into it, can attest the campaign against me is little more than a means to pit people against an undesired person.
You aren’t unjustified in this. Politics has become a complex web, and it’s difficult to grasp a singular feeling for the nation they pertain to, such as pride, especially when you politicize something like the flag. Even if your stance is on the other side of the spectrum, this is on America.
Proven wrong how?
Read up and find out, as I’d tell anyone.
Does the chat/Discord screenshot have a link to it? Exactly.
All of this is addressed in the place I redirected to except for the final thing you mentioned. I shouldn’t even have to address that part.
a lot of people are going to assume that you’re dishonest.
Well thanks for confirming slander is your intent.
First of all, ad hominem. Second, it is nothing more than falsely-concluded speculation to say I asked myself. Third, I don’t even sound how you claim/imply I do. Fourth, again, in bulk it has been addressed.
Debunked in the sense that, one, what the perception was did not match his intention, and two, a lot of the footage exaggerated his gesture anyways. I don’t rule out that it was reckless and that people are right to feel offended, just that we can’t speak for another person’s intent.
Something that’s worth noting (or which I don’t see a lot of people talking about) is the fact that the salute, historically, was done with your arm stretched out in front of you, not to the side like in the photograph of him. My style is to analyze things closely and give constructive critique (which is why, when someone mentioned he also shared antisemitic conspiracy theories, I gave some scolding words about Musk and did not continue the same “meh” reaction).
I remember when I was little and Pokémon came out with the character Registeel and the sprite had to be changed because the pose they chose for the creature just happened to resemble a Nazi salute. It was probably far less likely to be intentional in their case, but it actually looked more like the salute… and then it was memed into oblivion. Musk’s salute in the picture, though technically arguable to be the salute (and it’s possible more to his intentions might come to light), was more like the Team Rocket pose.