You’re going to play “moreover” and “nomenclature” then fuck up a “they’re/their”? Hang your head.
You’re going to play “moreover” and “nomenclature” then fuck up a “they’re/their”? Hang your head.
It is. I suppose the person was simply using the blank side of an exterminator’s instructional handout.
Nor I, on my in-Canada account. Desktop access only; I don’t have the Paypal app installed on my phone.
The article’s image shows, under Manage your privacy settings, the options:
Permissions you’ve given
Interest-based marketing (which is the option pertinent to this issue)
Blocked contacts
But my account’s options are:
Permissions you’ve given
Manage your cookies
Blocked contacts
Possibly the Marketing checkbox is the Canadian version of this? I’ve got that checkbox turned off.
Title of the linked YouTube video is “The Birth of Gated Reverb Drums in the 1980s”. Video was very interesting. Clickbaity thread title is trash.
It’s not a nitpick to know the meaning of the words we use, and how to use them. and the arstechnica editors should know better.
You question the word “pamper” because your only familiarity with it is in the context of the diaper brand?
Holy shit. Crack a book once in a while.
Absent present context, that sentence suggests a degree and quality of corporate self-awareness that one can only dream of.