When /r/technicallythetruth tries to do a Nazi salute…
According to Musk’s logic, Manson should be set free because he didn’t actually participate in the slaughter of innocents in an insane attempt to start a race war. He just told his followers to do it.
So says left wing rag…checks notes Forbes.com!
Inb4 musk accuses Forbes of being radical left Marxists
There is a valid argument to be made along these lines, but it leads to the conclusion that public sector workers should ignore doge if they want to do things that would cause harm. Like deleting the CDC website or leaving their jobs as air traffic controllers. Somehow I don’t think that’s how musk sees it.
after coming under fire for a gesture he made at a Trump inaugural event that was likened to a Nazi salute by foreign leaders and Democrats.
Oh get the fuck out of here forbes, you’re part of the fucking problem. That was a full on sieg heil, and the piece of shit did it twice. It was not a likeness to it, the oligarch fuckwit was unequivocally heiling.
The 2nd one was even more clearer & Europeans are the authority on what’s is a Sieg Heil & what is not, Americans don’t get to decide that
Anyone who calls it a “gesture” should be made to do it in a public setting on camera.
“Do the gesture”
the billionaire has denied he made a Nazi salute and played off backlash with Nazi puns
Another claim that he actually denied doing it. Can anyone point to the quote of his denying it was a Nazi salute? Lots of publications speaking for him.
I don’t recall him saying “it wasn’t a nazi salute, I apologize for the confusion, my absolute bad, naziism is wrong and abhorrent” anything short of that isn’t denying it
I keep seeing the claim that he has refuted it without evidence of such. Trying to rewrite history.
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Feels appropriate here
The blame is equal and several imo. There can be no outs for that sorta atrocity.
Dude can’t really hold himself.
Context: He retweeted an image saying “Hitler, Mao and Stalin did not murder millions. Their Public Service Agents did.”
No, he murdered tens of millions. 21m is more precise.
We need to deal with these traitors-in-power soon.
A month max, and conservatives will claim Adolf Hitler as a “conservative patriot who wanted to restore Germany’s place in the world”.
Here in Germany the far right is painting him as a commie :)
And then will rehabilitate him the moment, they get to repeal the laws that “keep the nation in constant shame”.
“Hitler was merely the German Pinochet, saving his country from socialism”
He just wanted national socialism guyz!
Wow. He’s really leaning into this crap full force, publicly. He’s giving a full demonstration of just how untouchable he feels.
Worse, he has that little boy with him all the time now, watching him do these things.
What little boy? You aren’t referring to that ambulatory kevlar vest with the overactive nasal mine, are you?
There’s this UA drone video of a FPV drone swooping in to hit a squad of Russian soldiers hiking a treeline, and at the very last second you can suddenly see a puppy running between their feet.
Every time I see that child, I think of that clip of the puppy :(
I’m not even going to try to figure out the name of any of Elon’s children. The man should not be allowed to name anything.
His portable emergency blood transfusion source.
“Mmmmm! Protect me, Baby Meatshield!”
He’s giving a full demonstration of just how untouchable he feels.
This is such a huge part of the psychology behind authoritarianism. It’s about harsh rules and repression, and the perverse enjoyment of the privileged few, that can be above the rules. It’s like a schoolyard bully, really, beating you up but also snitching on you to the teachers, and then enjoying the teachers not believing you. The hypocrisy is not a fault within authoritarianism, it’s an essential component, of how it functions ideologically.
Taking away their feeling of being untouchable, is a massive part of how to combat it. That requires, at this point, revolutionary change, because damn, the foundations of property are all in their favour.
If you pull a Trump card to save your businesses, gotta keep it wet for the long haul.
Do you really need to scrape the bottom of the barrel like this for dumb Musk things?
Joseph Stalin, former Chinese Communist Party chairman Mao Zedong and Hitler—whose regime under his direction orchestrated the Holocaust—did not murder millions of people, “Their public sector workers did.”
Zero responsibility from those in charge is his thinking here.
Wouldn’t that exonerated Charles Manson if it actually worked like that?
It’s also part of the antagonism towards the federal workforce and an extension of the “deep state” conspiracy theory.
I can’t remember what this specific rhetorical device is called, but he’s luring people in with something that appears true at face value so that they arrive at a conclusion they wouldn’t logically arrive at otherwise: Hitler personally didn’t kill millions of people, but the Nazi bureaucracy and military did. Therefore, Hitler isn’t to blame for all the Nazi atrocities, the bureaucracy was.
Musk is redirecting blame, like you pointed out, away from leadership and instead leading people to the conclusion that if government were smaller, then evil wouldn’t have happened. What is especially stupid about this line of reasoning is that it will eventually lead to ideas like, “if we give the president more power and consolidate all decision making to a small group, then public servants won’t mindlessly perpetuate evil,” as if this isn’t exactly what happened in every authoritarian regime right before they started doing real evil.
Just like… woah. This is fucking wild to live through :(
Yeah. “It wasn’t a Nazi salute, but if it was then Hitler wasn’t that bad.”
I want them off this planet, though I’d also settle for them being deep inside it.
Want C.H.U.D.s in reality and not just as a name to call dumbasses? Cos that’s how you get C.H.U.D.s.
What I see every waking day?
Musk, Trump said Truth is truthn’t.
Oh now he’s gonna get it.
Get what?
X is coming with it. Won’t be long now.
Deez Nuts?
Yeah totally! … what?
Bofa deez nuts!