We used to start morning meetings with an icebreaker question at my old job. A friend had just watched “You’re the Worst” and was inspired to say, “raise your hand if you don’t wash your legs in the shower.”
About half of us raised our hands. The non-washers insisted that gravity caused the soap to wash your legs and feet. We leg washers were not convinced, and a little grossed out, but we were all really surprised to learn the other side of the argument.
“Used to start meetings with icebreakers”
Did they stop after the leg washing question or was it something even more controversial?
Usually they were pretty innocuous. Smooth or crunchy peanut butter, is a hot dog a sandwich, is cheesecake a pie, Marvel or DC, Star Wars or Star Trek, The Stones or The Beatles, etc.
I don’t understand, pigs in blankets are wrapped in bacon, they should be a type of salad. Why would you use pastry?
Everything is everything.
Who says cheesecake isn’t a pie? It sure as hell isn’t cake.
Yeah, cheesecake is cake in exactly the same way that ice cream cake is cake, in that it isn’t at all even slightly close to being cake.
Real ice cream cake actually has at least one layer of cake in it. Not the stupid ice cream cakes that’s just ice cream shaped like a cake. That’s just an imposter.
The only ice cream cake I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen a lot, my in-laws love the stuff) has a layer of cookie crumbles inside. I’ve never seen a single one that has any sort of cake in it whatsoever. I also did a google before posting my comment and not a single recipe I found had cake in it either. So I’m very sorry, but no, ice cream cake does not (typically) have cake in it.
They’re a thing, people generally just don’t make them anymore because it’s super fussy.
It is atypical at this point. But that doesn’t make it any less real, or what I believe an ice cream cake should be.
I dunno I think I’ve had cheesecake in a crust only once before but I’ve seen it in cakes a lot. Saying it’s a pie sounds outlandish to me.
The only way to solve this is to eat the cheesecake.
It sure as hell isn’t pie either.
It’s not, but if I’ve got to pick one…
Which I now realize I didn’t have to.
I voted pie too. It’s basically custard in a pie tin or crust. The other side was either hung up on the name, or determined eggs were the defining ingredient rather than flour.
At this point smooth or crunchy peanut butter is so much of a cliché it actively bores me.
“Should Nazis be allowed to run the government?” - surprisingly controversial recently, and a definitive end to the meeting, if not the whole practice.
might wanna see a doctor about that
Some people may enjoy getting head from communist Pac-Man.
Who also had a fetish for armpits
Up here, in Wyoming, it gets so cold and dry that if you don’t scrub the dead skin off your legs regularly, your skin will crack. It can get very painful.
Maybe try living in a place that doesn’t require regular skin sacrifices?
That has nothing to do with dry skin on your legs.
I’m just wearing pants all day, how dirty can my leg possibly get?
Showering is to remove dead skin cells, as well.
I prefer to let them rest where they fell in battle as a warning to any who would oppose my rule!
Counter Point: the [ziti|grape|M&M etc] that tries to flee from the bowl gets eaten FIRST; RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
How rough of a scrubbing action does the skin want?
…OK apparently not much, thought I might see washcloths recommended and so on
From experience walking in long pants during June in Fort Lauderdale, legs can get bad. Sweat couldn’t evaporate, so the root of every hair on my legs got red, bumpy, and irritated. But I was working a job and had to dress according to their work code. I quit after less than a week. 0/0 do not recommend.
I find that the shower is the most convenient place to wash my legs.
Followed very unclosely by the bidet.
It’s ether wash or scrub, but for the entire body. What psycho scrubs the torso but not the legs or who washes the torso and scrubs the legs? You people are both weird.
I scrub my legs about 50 percent of the time. Doesn’t feel like they get as dirty as upper half. I do scrub my feet though.
If this is bro saying he doesn’t wash his ass, or his worry is because he knows his ass is stanky, then I have no idea how she’s put up with him this long.
I remember in the olden days of reddit where there was this huge thread where many people didnt wash their ass because it was “gay” or gross. I think it started with a thread about someone telling men to also wash their balls because they stink too.
Water is a terrible lubricant too, I dont recommend for seggsy time.
My old wrestling coach once felt he had to remind us to “wash behind the balls.”
You gotta get your gooch!!
Cleanse the taint, as it were
Gotta get some silicone lube for shower sexy time
I don’t think there ever was a threat where men said that. It was someone on Twitter going “apparently men don’t wash their ass because it’s gay” and it spiraled from that iirc.
Not tiktok. Stop self censoring.
Not tiktok. Stop self censoring
I can say whatever the fuck i want. We said seggsy way before the hot garbage that is tiktok existed and you can’t “stop” me
Some of the euphemisms are also just plain funnier. Committing sudoku for example is top kek.
they said “ass” so I doubt that was the intention
Oh, shut up.
it always starts with “be a dear and wash your ass,” then it moves on to “i need you to drive me to the hospital,” and “stop fucking my sister”
There are worse things in life than having your ass washed by someone who loves you. Bonus points for the reach around handy.
I ain’t clickin’ that
Harold and Kumar reference
One of yous is gonna be cold with the other gets the shower water
This is the real reason to be scared. She’s gonna hog that hot water and he’s gonna freeze! Showering together seems so sexy and romantic in the movies but it’s actually just really awkward and uncomfortable!
Maybe it’s better if you got some kind of rich person giant luxury shower! Wait, of course it’s better!
The actual real threat is the temperature of the water.
If there was a “guaranteed to mutilate, superheated water vapor” option some women I’ve known would choose it.
They’re basically showering under the steam wand of a giant espresso machine!
That’s not the problem because you can just cuddle to warm up. The problem is when one of yous likes the water hotter than the other.
If she wanted to wash your ass, she would have asked you to step outside and hosed you down with a garden hose with your clothes still on.
I really wanted to post a picture from the trashy rapper album K-Flex “Wash yo ass” but im on a work network right now…
i invite you to look it up though.
I would like to counter with Del the Funky Homosapien and the song If You Must.
That’s not your girlfriend, it’s just Del in disguise!
You better wash yo ass or else you’ll be FUNKAY
She’s going to have to teach him the basics of the English language first.
Who can is about . Punctuation , ?
we . all know it,s a suggestion anyway❌ Space after period
❌ No space after period
✅ Space before period