Not even a great search engine.
Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.
Not even a great search engine.
Cool, I think this is a good idea.
Nothing wrong with taking a good idea and following it yourself.
No, not even close. It’s far too unreliable, without someone who knows what they’re doing to vet the questionable result, AI is a disaster waiting to happen. Never mind it cannot go fix a computer or server or any physical issue.
I manually corrected mine with Mint, 10/10, do recommend.
Idk, I’ve seen a variety of ideological views here but I suppose it also depends on what magazines you’re subscribing to.
People are usually a lot less toxic here, conversations are more civil.
There’s another example of one that’s powered and has solar chargers: That would make them a lot more practical IMO, not having to pull all that weight seems like a game changer.
Nice build btw, any chance you have blueprints?
Businesses and institutions need VPNs to function. Getting rid of them would be an absolute disaster.
Username checks out.
So what are the things on the front of the face?
A comment on this post.
There is no winning a nuclear war.