Most browsers these days have issues with high RAM usage, and memory leaks to. I’d recommend trying to limit the RAM of the browser, it stops it from eating up so much.
Here’s how I did it on linux. I’m sure there’s a way to do it if you’re on Windows though (might not be as good though).
This is a script to limit Firefox to 8 gigabytes of RAM, you may change it lower or higher depending on what your needs are by changing the number from 8 to whatever else you’d like. Fair warning though setting it too low will cause Firefox to lag very badly, and will crash chromium browsers outright (Ask me how I found out).
Most browsers these days have issues with high RAM usage, and memory leaks to. I’d recommend trying to limit the RAM of the browser, it stops it from eating up so much.
Here’s how I did it on linux. I’m sure there’s a way to do it if you’re on Windows though (might not be as good though).
Desktop file to limit Firefox to 8GB of RAM
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Firefox RAM limit 8GB GenericName=Firefox Ram limit 8GB Comment=Limit RAM for Firefox to 8GB; Exec=systemd-run --user --scope -p MemoryLimit=8G firefox Icon=firefox Type=Application Terminal=false Categories=Utility;Development; StartupWMClass=Firefox
This is a script to limit Firefox to 8 gigabytes of RAM, you may change it lower or higher depending on what your needs are by changing the number from 8 to whatever else you’d like. Fair warning though setting it too low will cause Firefox to lag very badly, and will crash chromium browsers outright (Ask me how I found out).