Yes, most of the time I play alone, 2p max. Is this game fun with more players? At the moment I don’t have a player group that would like such a long game, unfortunately.
Sigh, 50€ for an expansion is a lot of money, even if it’s cheaper than buying the mythos packs. But maybe I just budget and buy them a few month apart to save money.
Thank you for your ideas, I already live this community.
(Btw, I can’t see my own posts, and even this instance doesn’t show up in my descriptions, shit, even when I search for this community and find it, it doesn’t show my own posts. This fediverse stuff still feels a bit confusing to me…)
Thanks for your insight! Where can I read more about your proxy cards-idea?
Or the fantasy themed version Hero Realms! I slightly prefer this one, but both are great and you can try them for free.
I disn‘t think of this one! I should finally check it out at BGA.
Looks awesome but it can‘t be played with 2p, can it? Well maybe I just buy two games… Jaipur if we‘re two, sth like Archaeology, Startups,… if we‘re more. They all don‘t look very expensive.
Is there a version you can play with 2+ players? I know there‘s Duel (2p only) and the other versions (3+/4+).
insert „this is fine“-meme
Leute, in eurem Artikel steht‘s. Nennt es also bitte:
Paus (Grüne) will endlich etwas daran ändern, fordert 14Mrd. Lindner (FDP) bewilligt nur 2Mrd.
Ja, beide bilden die Regierung und damit versagt „DeR sTaAt“. Das sorgt allerdings für Politikverdrossenheit. Man sollte klar benennen, wer hier bremst. Das könnte hier auch alles ganz anders laufen, wenn die FDP nicht so mächtig wäre.
I love both of your recommendations, thank you! Kakerlaken Poker Royal seems to be a version you can play with or without the Royal cards. Maybe that‘s the one I‘ll get!
Huh? Privacy doesn‘t seem to be one of the best selling features, is it? Well, yes, you don‘t have to use your real name, but someone posted an article today, that not even private messages here are private.
Is there sth like Jaipur, that plays equally great with more players (but still great with 2)?
Oh, I forgot about that, thank you!
Roll & Writes: We didn‘t enjoy Cartographer, it didn‘t feel exciting for us. Ganz schoen clever was another suggestion, but we‘d prefer no dice.
5 Minute Dungeon is awesome, but I played it so many times with my kids that I can‘t stand it anymore. But great suggestion! I‘ll have a look into your other suggestions.
Take a look at Res Arcana! Everyone gets a small deck of cards, a few resources then u choose one of 2 (out of 8 different) mages and battle for the places of power in the middle of the table!
Well, it highly depends on how hard we try to stop climate change.
If you want a serious answer, read the IPCC report.
Unfassbar. Selbst wenn das der beste Verein der Welt wäre, muss man sich doch die Frage stellen: „Was müsste passieren, dass ich selbst aus diesem Verein austrete?“
Ja, und selbst wenn es der beste Verein der Welt ist, vielfacher Kindesmissbrauch UND SEINE VERTUSCHUNG ÜBER JAHRZEHNTE, ist so ein Grund, warum man selbst dem weltbesten Verein eventuell doch mal den Rücken kehren sollte.
All bean troll posts aside, it‘s one of my family favorites! With my kids I play it in coop mode to beat our own highscore.
The art is ugly af, but the design is awesome!
No, it’s not. You’re not an enlightened tolerant and rational human being by claiming both sides are equally at fault.
Just one example: I’d agree with you, if both sides would make equally as many false claims. But that’s not the case..
It’s not “Only your side is bad and my side is good”. There ARE liars on both sides. But that shouldn’t lead to the conclusion that both sides are telling equally as much lies.
Why is that so important? Because you would totally miss out on the rhetorical tactics they use to push their agenda. Take Trump’s caravan, Hunter’s laptop, false election claims. All of them were lies, but had a massive impact. Show me equally as bad examples the Democrats use to push their narrative.
Also, you can check, if you are open minded or not with the help of something called falsifiability. Ask yourself:
Wow, thank you so much, I didn’t even think of standalone scenarios!