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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I agree with both your statement about AI training and Sweeney. However, I do believe there is a legitimate argument for using generative AI in game development, and I therefore also think Sweeney has a legitimate point, even if he’s doing it as a reaction to Steam.

    Something oft acknowledged as okay in art (or any creative endeavor) is inspiration. Legally, we can really go even further, saying that copying is okay as long as the thing being copied is sufficiently transformed into something that can be considered new. Say, for example, different artists’ versions of a character such as Pikachu. We might be able to recognize them all as Pikachu, but also acknowledge that they’re all unique and obviously the creation of one particular artist.

    Why is this process a problem when it’s done with technology? I, as a human, didn’t get permission from someone else to transform their work. It’s okay when I do it, but not when it’s done algorithmically? Why?

    I think this is a legitimate question that has valid arguments either way, but it’s a question that needs to be answered, and I don’t think a blanket response of “it’s bad because it’s stealing other people’s work” is appropriate. If the model is very bad and clearly spits out exact replicas of the inputs, that’s obviously a bad thing, just as it would be equally bad if I traced someone else’s work. But what about the models that don’t do that, and spit out unique works never seen before? Not all models are equal in this sense.

  • Imagine I’m a car salesman who doesn’t give a shit about EVs. I just want to sell a car.

    “This car right here, you can fill 'er up in 1 hour! Oh but this feller, well she only takes 60 seconds, and has twice the range to boot!”

    The average person isn’t going to care that the first car is an EV and the second car is gas-powered.

    Most people can’t afford to get charging set up at home for overnight charging, either. You’re also not considering emergency scenarios where people won’t have time to wait an hour for their vehicles to charge.

    The scenario you’re imagining is an ideal scenario, not working with the current reality we have right now. The industry is working on making EVs charge extremely quickly because they believe it is a major selling point for their vehicles. Which, for the average person, it absolutely is. If EVs want to outsell gas-powered vehicles consistently, they need to meet the basics of being able to fill up quickly and having identical range.

  • I’m not super sure what you’re complaining about with the navigation bar. It’s well within the realm of what Google uses them for. Go look at the YouTube app for example. It has a button on the navigation bar that opens a bottom sheet as well. I’d argue Sync’s use of it is more in-line with the guidelines than YouTube is, since the sheet for exploring is closer to a destination than a sheet for uploading different kinds of videos. The only odd thing is being able to convert the FAB into a navbar button, but at least it’s an option and not a requirement.

    YouTube Music and Google Podcasts also have an “Explore” option on the navbar, they just open a page instead of a bottom navigation. He probably could convert that sheet into a page to make it more consistent, but it’s probably a sheet for usability reasons.

    I think the point about the FAB is good in theory when talking about what the material guidelines say, but so few apps actually use the FAB, and I think Sync’s implementation which allows for such robust customization is a good and fairly intuitive use of it, even if it doesn’t exactly follow every guideline. It still does allow you to pick one primary action for it. It just also gives you more options.