When I die I hope it’s doing 2 of my favourite activities- sitting and doing nothing.

Also available here- @quinacridone@mander.xyz

  • 16 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2022


  • I am currently in the act of my own version of ‘skin cycling’

    I’ve had a good look online for which actives have the research to back them up (some of which I was aware of before) and then try and arrange everything so it gets a fair distribution, without irritating the crap out of my skin (last time I went for it my skin got slightly fried)

    So far it seems to be working, I’m about 2 months in. I can do an acid exfoliation, Tret, copper peptides in the pm with an evening off, and alternate between copper peptides and Vit C/antioxidants during the day…then restart the process for the next 4 days

    Also I’m trying out NIODs CAIS (copper peptides) and FECC (eye serum, peptides, matrixyl etc) since May. I’ve been using them as much as I can within my routine, without combining them when I exfoliate and use Tret, Vit C etc

    I think I can see a difference around my eyes, I’m still not sure about the rest of my face, I have been using them on my neck and above the ole’ boobs…I’m not sure whether it’s only the CAIS (or a combi with the aha/Tret) but my decolletage does look better and my neck too, less crepey

    It’s early days yet, but I will report back 😀

  • Totally agree…

    I’ve been using mint for the last 4 years, and while I have had to use the command line for some obscure installs, it also works as an OS without needing to use it (i jumped in at the deep end and installed it in a pc I got from my brother and used it as my everyday OS)

    I don’t understand why Mint isn’t the first suggestion for Linux ‘virgins’ switching over from Windows etc, it has everything you need pre installed plus the download manager for anything else

    Linux has a flavour for everyone, and after a while when you’re confidence and skills grow there is the fun of using the command line and a bit of tinkering…or not, if you are happy with the ‘basics’

  • I don’t normally comment on news posts, but in this instance, FUCK CANCER

    Fuck cancer for stealing my brother from me, and for taking half my bf’s lung

    I seriously hopes this works for everyone out there living with this disease, and for their families, friends, the people who love them…

    …and also for everyone who has died too soon and missed their chance for survival. Their donation of tissue samples and furthering the cancer research that ultimately wouldn’t help them, but will help the poor bastards that are diagnosed today and in the future…It is bitter sweet

    Fuck cancer

  • Well that’s worse than useless…

    I’m fully convinced it’s a house for sex parties. Glossy wipe down surfaces for added hygiene, plus the plastic covers on the seats and table, a pointless sink to rinse your dick in, the weird bedroom/toilet/utility room. It’s high up on a hill so there’s the potential for some al fresco fucking, a marque out front…I’ve clearly been thinking a lot about this

    edit- I forgot about the glass gimp box under the stairs…

  • I’ve seen lots of contemporary dance performances which have blown me away, one was called ‘The Silk Road’ and showed how dance, as well as material goods was passed on via the silk road.

    It had traditional Indian dance and Spanish dance (the one where the men do the foot stomping, I’ve not been up for long and my brain is still in sleep mode). It was amazing. The dancing was beautiful and demonstrated how culture and ideas are transmitted, in this instance- the similarities of dance movements

    Also saw a free performance of some students of Chethams School of Music (Manchester) perform the harp. I think there was 4, maybe 5 female students, and it was beautiful. I’ve never heard the harp performed just on its own and they used percussive rhythms made by drumming and tapping the instrument…

    I have the flyers from both above performances, so I’ll edit my comment later on after I’ve found them

    Also adding Estas Tonne…my boyfriend is a big fan and we traveled down to London for a week which included one of his gigs…it was held in a church and was just him and his guitars (and 2 incense sticks)

  • I rather like this one…

    wearily she waves

    the white flag of surrender

    cobwebbed butterfly

    —Tracy Davidson from here

    Pawprints fade, empty

    Silence fills the empty space

    Love lives on, always

    From here

    I sometimes feel that the classic haiku are let down by some translations, and the fact there are Japanese words that don’t translate across very well or at all.

    I have a soft spot for this one

    The old pond,

    A frog jumps in:


    Translated by Alan Watts from here

    It’s interesting to see how each translation differs, and tries to put into English something that is probably untranslatable…also…




    Translated by James Kirkup

    ‘The sound of water’ ‘kerplunk’ ‘splashing the water’ ‘leap, splash’ ‘water note’ …just don’t capture it for me

    Do you know any that are decent?

  • I discovered The CryptoNaturalist over at the other place, and ending up buying ‘Field Guide to the Haunted Forest’ and ‘Love Notes from the Hollow Tree’ by Jarod K. Anderson…

    Which is unusual for me as I detest poetry. I think it’s a pile of long-winded, navel gazing wank…Except for haiku, (because they’re short and sweet, and condense things down to their essence, which I like).

    I like The CryptoNaturalist though, probably because they write about nature in a weird, beautiful and wonderous way. I want to use the word ‘magical’ to describe it, but am reluctant, for reasons

    Also, thanks to this post I just found out there’s a couple of other books available which I’m going to buy tonight 😀

  • This is a really fascinating comment, I’m aware of sickle cell being a problem, but it’s surprising that there may be an advantage to having it. I’ve opened up the link in a new tab (one of the many) to read later

    diversity makes communities stronger.

    This is so important, not just from an autism perspective, I think I read once, long ago on the internet, that having a gay sibling would be a benefit for the non gay siblings offspring, in the same way that the grandmothers being around to help find extra food, provide care would mean a greater chance of survival

    There has to be an evolutionary reason/explanation that gay people exist, and the fact that other animal and bird species will have same sex partnerships (and rear an abandoned egg to fledged juvenile in the case of the gay zoo penguins)

    I also love the ‘canaries in the coal mine’ analogy, I think that the more people discover they are neurodiverse the better.

    I only found out as an adult, and if I hadn’t seen the Chris Packham documentary and met another autistic woman I’d still be none the wiser (and struggling massively)

    I’ve really enjoyed reading your comments, I’ll check out the link and post later on when I come back from work!

  • I find that I’m both drawn the the building as well as the exhibits when I’m there, all the pillars are trees with texture and foliage (and monkeys too), the large room with the minerals has sea creatures carved onto the stonework. The carved wood, the floor even the outside with the metal drain pipes and tiled roof…it’s a Temple to Nature, really beautiful place!