Call me a Nazi all you like, it doesn’t make me a Nazi. In fact, you moralists should take that log out of your eye and actually look at the world your status-quoism has generated
Call me a Nazi all you like, it doesn’t make me a Nazi. In fact, you moralists should take that log out of your eye and actually look at the world your status-quoism has generated
You clearly don’t understand leftist thought. Voting for a cop, a warmonger and a complicit child-kidnapper is incompatible with many leftists’ beliefs and values. Continued aversion to actually listening to criticisms of the Dems and DNC from the left is why your beloved party is crashing and burning.
“Right of center” means the insufferable liberal types on LW.
Seems sort of insane for daily wear, but I think having a camera for walks or jogs isn’t the worst idea if you’ve got the money. I’d make sure the security and privacy of the camera and recorder are tip-top though
Magic sure can work, but political action is no magic. It’s connection, from person to person.
Fuck him. I’m gonna submit my tax return in Japanese.
Stop gaslighting me.
Trump hates unions.
Mozilla’s telemetry change in Thunderbird Android makes me say “find a different client.”
Generally, you should pick and choose your battles. Mozilla on the whole isn’t a company whose software I trust anymore.
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Easier to quit; last time ATCs went on strike Reagan just fired them all
Cause people are fucking stupid. You’re a great example
A protest is throwing a brick through a window. This ain’t no protest.
Resistance need not be ethical. This isn’t resistance.
Not a fan of the AI video but this kind of thinking is very very stupid. Take that cop out of your head.
Yeah. The means must absolutely align with the ends, and this video reeks of privileged white guy mad that he got his cushy desk job in DC ripped out from under him.
Whoever made this shit is no comrade and I’m sick of liberals sharing this everywhere
Capital is the problem, not nationality.
In other news, you can have hens in your back yard!
You’re talking to one, and no, the Democrats have backstabbed us at every opportunity. Especially at trans issues, which they love to capitulate on as a bargaining chip for getting their capitalist donors more money.
If you walk outside and throw a brick in the face of a cop, you can talk to me about what it means to be a bootlicker.
You advocate for action based upon a spook? Sorry, that makes you a moralist. You decided that “maximizing utility” was the moral choice, and that again makes you a moralist. Perhaps you should write a sternly worded lever-pulling manifesto to send to your congressman?