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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024

  • I was living with two other roommates and we were moving into another city to live there together as well. Me and one roommate were planning ahead and got moving boxes, slowly sorting out stuff that can be thrown out, and started packing things way ahead of the moving date.

    The other roommate couldn’t be bothered by all of this. The day we were moving he started packing his things. We had rented a moving truck for that day and were able to move my and the prepared roommates’ stuff to the new appartment first. Then we drove back to help lazy roommate. If all had been planned accordingly we wouldn’t have had to drive back to pick up a second batch of household items - only for returning the moving truck, and then to travel back to the new place by train.

    Unfortunately he had not anticipated that he would have needed moving boxes and it was way too late to organize some. We were moving all of his stuff with garbage bags. They are not sufficient to move things at all.

    Moving lazy roommates’ stuff turned out to last several more hours than anticipated. We almost exceeded the deadline for returning the moving truck to the rental place, which would have resulted in having to be charged for another day.

    0/10 for moving with garbage bags instead of moving boxes.

  • The funny thing is that said .flv files could be played with VLC without any issue at the time I acquired them. I downloaded a bunch of cartoon episodes in this file format back in 2010 (?) when once-click-hosters like Megavideo were a big thing then. I was able to play them with the then current version of VLC without any problems.

    Since then there were several updates with VLC and some time along the way it suddenly didn’t work that good anymore. I might add that this file format is not very common today (it was, when Adobe Flash was still around), so today there might be no incentive to maintain any old codecs for these type of files any longer.

    When it gets worse with dwindling playback compatibility I probably have to acquire these files with a more recent file format (e.g. .mp4) in the future.

  • Neat.

    The thing that bothers me whenever I see a TV remote is that there doesn’t seem to be a remote control with illuminated keys, like on a computer keyboard. That way you can see the buttons even under dim lit conditions. Also, why aren’t there any remotes with a built-in battery that could be charged like a smartphone?

    I don’t own a TV, but I know that back in the days of bulky CRT TV’s there were some remotes that could be iluminated. White LEDs weren’t a thing back then, so they used incandescent lamps which drained the 9V battery fast.

    Why aren’t back llit and rechargeable TV remotes a thing today, especially because white LED’s and batteries are quite efficient today?

  • Sobald ein Produkt mit den Angaben

    • neue Rezeptur
    • verbesserte Rezeptur
    • neue Verpackung
    • neues Design
    • jetzt noch [passendes Adjektiv zum Geschmack oder der Konsistenz des Produktes]

    versehen ist, dann ist es immer eine Verschlechterung, sei es in der Qualität oder im Preis oder bei beidem.

  • nicerdicer@feddit.orgtoich_iel@feddit.orgich🧌iel
    28 days ago

    Solche Aussagen sind immer durch Nostalgie geprägt. Die Erkenntnis, dass es früher besser gewesen ist, fußt darauf, dass man die Zustände von heute kennt. Jemand, der behauptet, dass das Spielen mit dem GameBoy Spieljungen besser war, hätte liebend gern ein Smartphone gehabt und genutzt, wenn es die Technologie schon damals gegeben hätte.

    Vom technologischen Standpunkt her war das rückblickend betrachtet schon irgendwie nicht so optimal - trotzdem war der Spieljunge das Maß der Dinge, vor allem, weil man es mit sich herumtragen konnte - ähnlich, wie bei einem intelligenten Fernsprechapparat heute.

    Das Ding hatte einen enormen Batterieverbrauch und aus diesem Grund keine beleuchtete Anzeige. So etwas hätte wahrscheinlich damals zu einem noch höheren Batterieverbrauch geführt, weil die technische Entwicklung von energieeffiezienten LEDs noch nicht soweit war.

    Was aber rückblickend betrachtet besser war als heute: Das Spiel-Erlebnis war noch nicht geprägt durch Maßnahmen, die zum weiteren Konsum und Geld ausgeben für dasselbe Spiel, wie es heutzutage der Fall ist - z.B. Play-to-win, Lootboxen, Dark patterns, in-game-Währung mit richtigem Geld kaufen, um weiterzukommen oder Dinge zu erwerben,… Wenn man ein Spiel gekauft hatte, dann hatte man es tatsächlich für immer.

  • Muss ja nervig gewesen sein mit den ganzen kleinen Lichtern im Hintergrund /s

    Aber im Ernst: Lesen regt die Fantasie an. Das ist auch einer der Gründe, warum viele Film-Adaptionen von Büchern scheinbar enttäuschend ausfallen - je nach dem, wen man fragt: Wenn man ein Buch liest, dann erschafft man sich das Universum der jeweiligen Geschichte im Kopf und hat dann bestimmte Vorstellungen, wie die Dinge und Figuren sind. Wenn man nun dieselbe Geschichte als Film-Adaption vorgesetzt bekommt, dann weicht diese von der eigenen Vorstellung ab, oftmals zum Nachteil des Films. Das Erscheinungsbild ist in einem Film vorgegeben. Wenn man ein Buch, auf dem ein Film basiert, nicht kennt, dann empfindet man es weniger störend, wie das Universum der jeweiligen Geschichte aufgebaut und umgesetzt ist.

  • All of this applies to many niche communities. In Germany, especially the older forums that are around since the internet became widly popular show such behavior. Take HiFi- forums for example: If your plugs are not made with gold, you are doing it wrong. Also, if you want to spend money for a hobby, don’t bother to start if you are not willing to spend at least an unreasonable ridiculous ammount of Euros.

    These enthusiast also complain about a lack of new members. It’s the nobody wants to work anymore sentiment, but with niche hobby communities.

  • German dubs are actually top notch compared to other countries

    This is true for movie productions. They are dubbed well, even to a point where jokes and plays on words are translated as well. On the other hand, cartoons are not. They lack of something that makes them unwatchable when dubbed - I think it’s because some of the play on words and jokes are missing, also the dubbed voices differ extremely from the original. Such thing can make a character appear and be percieved very different, compared to the original. If cartoonn are availiable in original language (English), I’ll prefer that.

    Yesterday I watched an interesting video about this topic: Why Germany dubbs movies, but other countries don’t
    Warum Deutschland Filme synchronisiert und andere Länder nicht The video comes with insights from a voice actor, who dubbs the voice of Leonardo di Caprio.

  • Sadly, in this world you accomplish nothing for being nice and considerate. If you want to leave an impact (anything - a new invention, a new product, a new idea, anything with impact to contemporary culture) you have to bully yourself to the top, including stealing ideas and screwing people over, as well as to exploit people. All “great” people who accomplished something did that: Gates (Microsoft), Jobs (Apple), Musk (Tesla, Twitter), Bezos (Amazon), Thiel (PayPal, Palantir), Zuckerberg (Meta), Huffman (Reddit), as well as many politicans. It’s a personality treat.

    Here is a video that explains the issue, albeit it focuses on designers:

  • nicerdicer@feddit.orgtoWorld News@lemmy.worldGermany getting tough on knife crime
    1 month ago

    Are you saying all laws are futile? Otherwise what is different with this law that makes it futile?

    I do not say that all laws are futile. The difference with this particular measurement is that it is odd to me, that a no-weapon zone is being established, as it is quite unusual that Germans carry around weapons in general. At least not where I live. People carrying around weapons of any kind is just not a thing here.

    There are other laws, speed restrictions for instance. I get that there is a necessity to enforce such thing, as people have cars and tend to drive faster than they should. Speeding with a car is more common than carrying a weapon. That’s why this law makes sense, as it adresses the issue right there. Speeding doesn’t have an underlying issue that causes drivers to speed.

    The thing what makes it futile in my opinion is that a restriction in carrying weapons does not solve the underlying issues (the root causes of socio-economic inequality, among others) that probably lead to harming others with knives. It’s just treating the symptoms, not the root cause.