On a bright note, leopards’ CITES conservation status has been upgraded from VU (vulnerable) to LC (Least Concern).
On a bright note, leopards’ CITES conservation status has been upgraded from VU (vulnerable) to LC (Least Concern).
More typical unnecessary gubbmint regulation keeping down the laser pointer industry!
We already saw the cognitive dissonance of people gurgling the last words “COVID’s a liberal hoax” as they drowned to death on their own bodily fluids filling their lungs. Literally no amount of reality can sway people who just won’t accept it.
“Personally, I’da gone with Tabasco, but if they prefer to sprinkle Sriracha on my face before digging in, I have to respect their decision.”
“I can respectfully disagree with their exact method of eating my face and still support all their goals… of eating my face.”
IIRC, Chauvin made the plea deal on federal charges so that he would do his time in the relative safety of a federal prison.
Which would mean that if he gets pardoned on federal charges, then he would have to serve out his remaining state time in a state pen… the very thing he wanted to avoid. He would probably be dead in under a month unless he spent the next decade or more in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day (like he did in his pre-trial detention).
Which would be a crying shame, of course…
Thanks for the info.
The legend about the origin of the word sabotage is that French workers being put out of a job by bosses installing new machinery would drop their wooden clogs (called “sabots” in French) into the machinery’s gears, thus damaging it.
For a nanosecond, I somehow understood the headline as “Audio Galaxy Still Accessible”. Which really would be impressive.
I only just realized that my search plugin in qBittorrent isn’t giving me any results from TGx.
Reminds me of Farage getting de-banked.
It was later revealed that Farage’s account was closed in part as Coutts felt that his beliefs and values did not align with theirs. In an internal dossier, Coutts wrote that he “is at best seen as xenophobic and pandering to racists” and considered a “disingenuous grifter”.
The clue is in the word: drop sabots/clogs into things.
Sabots/clogs are:
And they store, rather than release, carbon. The eco-friendliest sabotage is sabots!
Also acceptable: Aloigi, Aloisi, Aloisio, Lodovico, Ludovico, Alvise, Gigi, Gigio, Gigino, Ginetto, Gino, Luigino, Vico
So the internet is cats?
Historically, people didn’t have easy access to multiple forms of birth control.
But then they’ve already started working on that: Dobbs, period policing, “NO CONDOMS FOR GAZA!!!”
I noticed a distinct lack of Tragedeigh-style names.
Maybe we need more Paydons and Jaedins in government.
Zen: On one machine, Flatpak. On the other, AppImage through AM. Firefox: Mint-maintained version from Mint repo (deb).
I can’t remember the exact differences between Firefox upstream and Mint version. But I believe Mint began maintaining their own deb at a time when upstream Ubuntu was only offering Firefox as a snap, which Mint is against, and Mozilla hadn’t yet begun offering their own deb repo.
No package for my distro, I “installed” an AppImage with AM (which is also how I discovered it)
Please don’t mock her personal tragedeigh.