i just want to be a beautiful forest fairy, is that so much to ask?
i just want to be a beautiful forest fairy, is that so much to ask?
Smh, bad taste confirmed
Sorry if this is a silly question, but you have tinnitus or what? I’m sorry this is getting you this way, though. Hopefully you find some relief soon
Yeah, i think i had a lot of stuff within me that i knew didn’t click with being a man and having a masculine role from quite a young age. When i would envision “growing up” i had a void where a self-image would be. For me, a lot of the signs felt uncomfy and i learned to not listen to my feelings so that things could be easier. So it took me until around 25 until i started seriously considering and considering, even though i had been thinking things like “i wish i was a lesbian” for several years ;p
I didn’t end up really coming out to anyone until around 27, and now that i’m 30 i am trying to socially transition a bit more and to seek healthcare for myself. (FYI i’m a transfemme enby~)
I definitely feel you about wishing things could have started sooner, but we’ll get there :3