Curious why the back up power didn’t come on till 90 minutes later though… seems like to me a long time if you’re supposed to be in constant communication with a crew aboard a space craft.
Curious why the back up power didn’t come on till 90 minutes later though… seems like to me a long time if you’re supposed to be in constant communication with a crew aboard a space craft.
This would be the first app review I’ve actually done…
This is crazy…I just now checked my iOS App Store and it says it’s 4.8/5 stars. I left a 1 star review 3-4 weeks ago and it never showed up in the reviews. I checked for over a week and either they didn’t post it, or it was removed quickly. And trust me… it wasn’t filled with obscenities or specific names “spez” or anything like that. (Unlike some I can see that actually made it in the reviews)
Strangely enough the “newest” review gave Reddit 5 stars but is titled…”Reddits API changes are killing it” and goes on to complain about bots, NSFW, Admin Abuse, and “spez is letting it happen “ umm does this reviewer not know how stars work???
I’m also in the USA. But it’s making me upset that I clearly can’t trust the App store’s reviews now. Since in my experience… they’re misleading/erroneous/deleted/ or in my case omitted. 😡
Love this show so much!