You might want to include a short explanation for community members who aren’t familiar with warrant canaries
Thank you for the feedback. The second line of this post contains the text:
For more information about BusKill canaries, see:
That link explains everything. Are you suggesting that we copy and paste the contents of that link into the post directly? Or maybe just the first 3 sentences?
It was asking whether some change has taken place; some cause for alarm.
If you want a very, very quick way to glance at the canary and determine this, see the Status
on the first line of the signed message. In this case, it says
Status: All good
And I think #3 and #4 below that explain the canary clearly. We took this format from best-practice standards of other warrant canaries to be both human- and machine-readable.
Is there any other changes that you recommend we make to the signed message to make it clearer that this is a “good” canary?
I’ll add this to the top next time, thanks.