I’m not sure what stage of rewilding his garden had reached at that time, don’t think there was a lot of moss, mainly flowers and whatnot.
I’m not sure what stage of rewilding his garden had reached at that time, don’t think there was a lot of moss, mainly flowers and whatnot.
I dunno man, I’ve made it a point of pride to be rough with my Macbook over the years. They hold up well to repeated beatings and last a long time. I’d rate my 2017 Macbook Pro as hardier than the Thinkpad X1 Carbon I had as a company computer for my last job. And the MacBook might have been cheaper new too.
That place is just flabbergasting nowadays. Click almost anywhere and you’re greeted with colorful descriptions of jews and any other kind of bat shit overt comicbook bad guy levelf of absurd racism. Anywhere. What is Twitter’s utillity even?
My dad did the same with his, only to find his neighbour had tried (sincerely) to be helpful and mowed it while dad was out of town. My dad does not speak highly of his neighbor’s intelligence.
If that were true, it’s a dumb election strategy to sit back and wait while your opponent puts an end to free and fair elections.