• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I’m not telling on anything by being honest with you. I can’t afford a new car right now. In 2 or 3 years. I’ll have saved up enough to be able to afford one, but right now it’s simply not in my budget. I also can’t afford the kitchen renovation that I have planned. Can’t afford a lot of things that you seem to think the wealthy people can.

    I can’t afford them because I’m a pretty firmly middle class household that can afford some of the nice things in life but not without working for them. Like the wealthy are able to. At no point am I downplaying my privilege. I’ve said a number of times even in these posts how fortunate that I am. That you think admitting to going on a vacation is gloating just reinforces your jealousy. We budget to be able to take a vacation. I read the other week that over 30% of Americans take multiple vacations per year. By you’re jealous framework, you’re claiming that they’re all wealthy, which is obviously an absurd thing to say or position to take. I’d chalk much of my fortune up to the fact that I’m not a moron with my money running around charging my life on a credit card, like the vast majority of people that you see around you today. I’m not benefiting from the exploitation of others any more than the manager at a McDonald’s is. I get paid for the work that I put out. I don’t get paid for other people’s work and I don’t get paid from real estate holdings or investments or any of the other wealth creating vehicles that the wealthy in our society utilize, if I had the ability to I certainly would but seeing as a middle class those avenues to earn are not available to me.

    You’re accusing me of lacking critical thinking when you apparently don’t have the ability to think critically enough to budget your own life or to think critically enough to put yourself in a position where your paycheck will allow you to live the middle-class lifestyle that I happen to be able to live right now.

    That you think my understanding my place in the social hierarchy is an attempt to make me look bad. Really demonstrates your lack of ability to think critically your poor emotional intelligence and your lack of overall social context… Which probably at least in part explains why you’re jealous of someone who’s living a middle-class lifestyle and probably why you’ll live in poverty for the rest of your sad life. Crabs in a bucket.

  • It’s funny, my yard is essentially the community play ground. When I don’t maintain it, the clover gets destroyed and it turns into a mud pit the kids can’t play on really. Natural grasses didn’t stand a chance even after being given the time to establish.

    I consulted with a landscape architect who I was partnered with on an elementary school I was building looking for what I could do naturally to keep the yard in tact while the kids played… this was a nationwide firm, on a LEED Gold project. Their answer? Grass. Rye grass, KBG and red fescue was the recommendation.

    I nuked the lawn, soil and seeded it and two years later it’s held up wonderfully and is enjoyed by a handful of families.

    I planted Milk weed for the pollinators. They don’t want most of the crap people plant trying to be Eco friendly anyways or so the landscape architect told me.

    This anti lawn tirade is kinda anti-kid to a degree. When my kids are older and not using it every day, I’ll tear it all out and hardscape it. I don’t wanna maintain things for no purpose.