Until progressives learn to play and win the messaging game, we’re wasting our time. But it has to start with positive messaging not negative messaging. Trumpists have that market cornered.
Until progressives learn to play and win the messaging game, we’re wasting our time. But it has to start with positive messaging not negative messaging. Trumpists have that market cornered.
The whole point is that progressives are getting CRUSHED by the corporatists because the whiners can’t stop eating their own.
Why is that the perception?
Hint: Corps are at record high profits as is wealth inequality.
Well progressives are to blame for their incessant whining that any candidate that is not 100% progressive is absolute shit. Progressives are bitching about PEOPLE while corporatists are controlling the narrative about ISSUES.
I get it. Maybe we can all just start by changing the conversation and focus on the positive things Biden has done and encourage more of the same. The narrative is only focusing on the negatives and that will affect polling and voting.
Good questions. As with most things in society, true change has to start small. So you have to start by changing the messaging. With greater organization and messaging you start local and build a foundation. It drives me nuts that we have these conversations every 4 years about the presidency and then everybody goes back to their lives for another 4 years. Meanwhile the corporate machine is continuing their messaging that “government bad, worker’s rights/unions bad, minimum wage bad, welfare bad, education bad, stock market good”. What do you expect?
If Americans can’t realize for themselves that Biden is the most progressive president we’ve had since Jimmy Carter then we deserve Trumps dictatorship. I’m not saying Biden is adequately progressive (he’s not), but can anyone name a more progressive president in the last 50 years?
I hope so. It’s so evil to do this without permission.
Well covfefe. Inquiring minds want to know what Aaron Rogers thinks about this shocker.
Edit: Buttery males nipples
In other words, Trump thinks continuing slavery would have been a better outcome. On brand for his base.
Don’t be an asshole and assume what I think about this. I’m not even a progressive and I know the way to get more progressive policies is to be positive about the accomplishments more than being negative about the failures. You fail and your approach is having the opposite effect that you want.
QED. Nobody takes progressives seriously because all they do is complain. Fact: Biden is the most progressive president in 50 years. And because progressives like you think he’s “trash” you’re going to get Trump back. How’s that noseless face feel?
I’m not a democrat and I’m certainly not a huge fan of Biden. But he’s not demented and he’s the best president for progressives in 50 years. Yet progressives act like there is no difference between Biden and Trump. The reason you’re not getting a reasonable progressive candidate/president is that nothing is ever good enough for progressives.
So you’re complaining about Biden but admit he’s the most progressive president in 50 years. Sounds about on brand for progressives.
Agreed. You are getting downvoted by all the Russian and Chinese (and idiot Americans) that just want to foment division. Democracy is on the ballot. Just not the way most people think.
Name another president since Carter that is more progressive. We’ll wait.
You need to learn more about the Boston tea party. Being American originally meant being anti-corporatism. And Trump is definitely pro-corporatism.
This. Common folk haven’t had a president since Carter, and that didn’t go well. Ruling class is called that for a reason. We need more anti-corporatism (aka Boston Tea Party).
You’re looking for point #8.
I agree that he has been a good president - the most progressive president in 50 years (yes, I realize that’s a bullshit statement since there have been no even-close-to-progressive presidents). For those who think he’s demented, please listen to his interview on Conan O’Brien’s podcast. He’s phenomenally engaging and has a great wit and memory.