Red Wizard 🪄

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yes let’s not be like reddit:

    • I’ve looked for the “source” of the leaked guidelines from the Guardian, but I can not find them. They only say that someone from The Guardian has access to these leaks. The rest of the evidence of censorship is anecdotal at best, unless you have a more direct source.
    • Data collection is done by all in app browsers from major social media platforms, not just TikTok. Don’t believe me? Then let’s ask the guy who wrote the report. What’s the name of that report again? Oh it’s iOS Privacy: Instagram and Facebook can track anything you do on any website in their in-app browser. Why do none of the hundreds of articles mention that? It should be noted that as of this comment you can open any webpage in your native browser in TikTok. Seems strange to only be talking about TikTok in this regard.
    • Again, this article is citing something they have “obtained” and yet, won’t post for the public to consume. Unless you have the information the cnn is reporting on, we can’t know for sure what it even says. We know that the employees in question were fired apparently, and that the IP address used to connect to TikTok was viewed, but no information on the intentions and from what I can tell, nothing was published. Regardless, in a linked article from the CNN article, it’s mentioned that: Uber was delivering politicians a different version of their app to avoid regulations.. This information should make you outraged, but it won’t because the US media has decided this is not something you should worry about. There were no congressional hearings about this, no outrage, no endless news reports.

    There is a clear pattern here, and it’s one that shows just how little the American population cares about their own country exploiting them. There isn’t even clear evidence of exploitation in regards to TikTok. They appear to be engaging in all the same practices as US tech giants. Last I knew, China could just buy your data and use it for their own means. I mean, that’s what was happening with the Cambridge Analytica stuff right?

    You prevents Cambridge Analytica type events by regulating or abolishing Surveillance Capitalism in the US. Instead the US propaganda network has us talking about ghosts in TikTok’s shell.