• 2 Posts
Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2025

  • A key problem humanity seems to have, which is exploited by politicians everywhere, is the affinity for black and white thinking.

    Capitalism and even neoliberalism are not necessarily categorically terrible. Unregulated versions of these certainly are terrible and unsustainable. And some versions and implementations of ideologies or frameworks are net worse than others.

    Absolute austerity, unregulated neoliberalism, unregulated capitalism, unopposed communism, etc, are all terrible, damaging and unsustainable. Unfortunately finding sustainable solutions is difficult and requires thought, time and dedication. And it requires vision and unifying leadership to sell it to the people.

  • Obviously the petition is to compel Parliament, or whoever is responsible, to take action to do so. I see this sentiment but I think it’s misplaced. The petition is to bring it to the attention of politicians who typically have a blind spot on these things and may not understand or be aware of public sentiment.

    There’s no mechanism for a petition to do anything directly. But we all know that. I’m personally immediately suspicious of any attempts to create confusion on this issue. It seems to be disinformation.

  • This isn’t stupidity, it’s intentional and calculating.

    This bare-faced, obvious hypocrisy IS the point. It’s right in our faces, and it forces his supporters to defend it. But it’s the thin edge of the wedge…you defend this, and it shifts your tolerance window a bit, and the next one is a bit more egregious, and you defend that, then a bit more, and so on until you are defending felons and rapists who dismantle the government against your interests, because it supports your guy and hurts people you hate.

    At the same time Poilievre’s opponents become even more indignant and angry, and it further divides into two sides - the team, and the other. This is all intended to firm up the cult and further divide out the other.

  • Twist ending: Trump comes out as the ultimate leftist neoglobalist. His entire life has been dedicated to cultivating the most unabashed narcissistic piss baby entitled con man personality, as a front, just so he can convince America to share its wealth and power, collapse American hegemony, and permanently destroy conservatism. He’s the only one that has the special Yank whisperer powers to convince an entire nation of dumbfucks to act against their own self interest.

    At this point nothing would surprise me.

  • Yeah, a carbon tax that results in perhaps a percent of price inflation is just nowhere near as serious - neither in kind nor degree - as 25% across the board tariffs. And if we need to have emission reduction measures in place to trade with the EU, and trading with the EU is now an existential priority, then frankly he can sit down and shut up. The adults are talking.

    (the above assumes all the talk of economic annexation is bluster, which is no longer a foregone conclusion)

  • both leaders here keep talking about how we Canadians fought hand in hand in <insert war>, took in Americans in 9/11 etc.

    I agree they are all saying this, but I sense a difference in intent between Poilievre and the rest.

    Maybe it’s my bias, but I feel that Poilievre is saying these things with the intent to convince the Americans - i.e., it’s for the American audience. By contrast, Carney and others are saying these things more for the Canadian audience - to explain why it’s justified to be angry at the Americans and we need to grow up and kick them to the curb.

    For Carney and others, it’s a rallying cry; for Poilievre it’s an attempt at appeasement.

  • This is a good observation. He wants to change his messaging because he sees the writing on the wall. Running around yelling about how shitty the country is, insulting his fellow countrymen, riding a wave of animosity towards minorities, etc. - this is the opposite of unifying. It’s reinforcing the teams. He sees it’s failing now, but he can’t bring himself to actually attack Trump or the GOP. He has to lean into platitudes and empty shows of strength. At the end of the day, it makes him look like he’s not angry enough at the US…probably because he’s not. He doesn’t have an affinity or an understanding of this country beyond narrow political gain, because he’s never spent a day of his adult life outside of politics.

  • Billionaires should not exist. You don’t get to be a billionaire without exploiting people - for that matter once you get over about 10M you’re probably stepping on people, or exploiting systems, in order to continue growing your wealth. And why, exactly? It’s a sickness that gets worse the richer someone gets. It’s been studied and confirmed that people who have excessive wealth convince themselves that they deserve it, they earned it individually, and that they are special and more valuable than others. So instead of riding off into the sunset, they feed their addiction by buying outsized and unearned power in order to shape the laws so that they can make more money. Just fuck off already - you won at capitalism, now get the fuck out of the way and stop screwing over everyone else and making our lives miserable.

    Beyond 100M we should just take it all for the state. 100% tax rate. If you want to keep earning beyond that, then great, you will have the glory of contributing to the public good.

    But since billionaires have convinced idiots to advocate against the idiots’ own interest, and argue that the billionaires can’t be constrained in any way, then this will never happen in the current social context. So next best thing is to do as Bill says. Put the fear of God into them.