It’s not a patient game yet, but I caved and got Alan Wake 2 the other week. In the early stages so far (the game’s quite scary!) but loving it.
I prefer the world-famous song “Press X to Jason”
Since it’s about the first 5-10 minutes of the game, it’s not a big spoiler.
Stupid Jason.
Thanks for posting this here, just purchased it. Keen to dive into the 2D course and the Shaders course!
Have a look at Three Minutes to Eight - small indie game released on Steam a while back. Haven’t given it a good run myself yet.
And as someone else mentioned: Oxenfree. Definitely good vibes there.
This is true! I’ve only dabbled with the tilemap features, but the changes made are impressive. And for more advanced users in 3D, it seems really quite phenomenal.
Will NEVER understand the people who lied to him in that scene. Or choose to shoot him in the back.
So much cool stuff to play with! Great summary by GDQuest. Integer scaling for pixel art - finally! Very chuffed with this.
That is weird! Once my project is in a shareable state, I’ll post the link here. Maybe it’s because (so far) it’s not awfully complex…
You may want to change the fact that web exports don’t work on macOS. MacBook Pro M1 user here. I’m happily running my Godot 4.1 as web exports on my server. Setting the headers is required for any browser / operating system, but things seem to work fine for me on Mac.
Oh, absolutely, and more power to them. Godot 4 has been an incredible piece of work and each update things are getting better and better. The thought of more developers using Godot is exciting, since it feels like we’re nearing the tipping point where it will really take off.
Managed to fix it by using await get_tree().process_frame
instead. It seems that idle_frame
appears to no longer exist in Godot 4.1?
So my full code for triggering the screenshot function is:
func _on_SaveReport_pressed():
await get_tree().process_frame
$"%SaveReport".visible = false
$"%BackMainMenu".visible = false
await get_tree().process_frame
$"%SaveReport".visible = true
$"%BackMainMenu".visible = true
For some reason, I have to await before I turn the interface elements off, and after I’ve turned them off. It now works a treat for my app. Thank you for your assistance!
await get_tree().idle_frame
Thank you for this! I just tried it out but unfortunately Godot throws an error on await get_tree().idle_frame
: Invalid get index 'idle_frame' (on base: 'SceneTree').
Could it be because I’m running in application mode, which only refreshes the screen if there’s an update?
As an alternative, I’ve put the code to turn things off into its own function:
func turn_off():
$"%SaveReport".visible = false
$"%BackMainMenu".visible = false
I’ve then tried an await turn_off()
The code runs, but doesn’t do anything and the screenshot still gets saved with the buttons visible.
I’m trying both await functions just before the take_screenshot() function like so:
await turn_off()
await get_tree().idle_frame
Am I missing something very obvious here? Any help would be much appreciated!
I took away the 2 .visible = true commands at the end, just to see if they were the culprit. They are not. It appears that the get_viewport().get_texture().get_image() command gets called before the interface elements are turned off, even though the order of code would make me think otherwise.
Very excited about this update because it’ll finally fix Godot minimising at random (and getting stuck) on Linux Gnome when using certain extensions. It’s been a head scratcher for a long time!
Thank you! I had a look through the documentation and managed to fix the error.
That is SUCH a useful tip. Thank you.
I don’t miss it one bit as a social platform. I just wish that search engines wouldn’t prioritise it as much when I try to find a “how to do….” guide. It’s insane how many Reddit threads (half deleted and otherwise) dominate the results. Just show me a nice webpage please.
Without Adblock detection. And no bloody “how to” videos either. I just want to read it through, thank you.
I’ve been on Manjaro for about 1.5 years now too. I switched over to the Unstable branch a while back, which fixed this issue for me. This branch seems to be getting all packages at the same speed as regular Arch. Plus, I still get the Manjaro-specific kernels, access to their repos, integrated pamac, etc. For now, I’m sticking with Manjaro this way.
I love his stuff - thanks for sharing this one! I’ve been trying to put a build mode together for a looooong time and this helped quite a bit.
This worked perfectly - thank you!!
For anyone else looking here later, the final shader code (confirmed working Godot 4.2) is:
shader_type canvas_item; uniform sampler2D screen_texture : hint_screen_texture; uniform vec4 water_color : source_color; uniform sampler2D wave_noise : repeat_enable; void fragment() { vec2 water_wave = (texture(wave_noise, UV * TIME * 0.02).rg - 0.5) * 0.02; vec2 uv = vec2(SCREEN_UV.x , SCREEN_UV.y - UV.y) + water_wave; vec4 color = texture(screen_texture, uv); float mix_value = 1.0 - UV.y; float avg_color = (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0; avg_color = pow(avg_color, 1.4); mix_value += avg_color; mix_value = clamp(mix_value, 0.0, 0.7); COLOR = vec4(mix(water_color, color, mix_value).rgb, texture(TEXTURE, UV).a); }
Credits to Single-mindedRyan for creating this shader in the first place.