I love the full body benefits of squats but I find my knees are liking them less and less these days.

I’m currently working a modified PPL, so a heavy off day.


2x5, 1x5+ squat

3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift

3x8-12 leg press

3x8-12 leg curls

3x8-12 leg extensions

5x8-12 calf raises

I pretty much hate squats while I’m doing them. I think it’s cause they make my knees angry.

Is there something knee friendly I can replace squats with or alternate in occasionally?

  • BarqsHasBite@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Spend some time on knee health, look into knees over toes guy. You might have some muscle imbalances, find a unilatetal program.