Read it let me know what you think.

    5 days ago

    Let’s see the fat fucks in that absolutely segregated country try it. They would have to sway their public opinion on a level that I don’t think is possible to make that an even close to feasible option. And if that ever did happen I would gladly give my life, and I’m fairly certain I can take out the 8 Americans it would require to even the score before they’d get me on my home turf.

      5 days ago

      Washingtonian here. I am reading this and trying to fathom how this disjointed country could manage something like this.

      We’re already cracked, but the glass is roughly holding together. Something like this would shatter the cup, the shelves, and the entire house.

      I hate this, I can’t stand the wedge he’s driven between us and the world, and I can’t see us walking this back.

        5 days ago

        Imma be honest with you. The Canada-US relationship is shattered. I have to seriously decide if I ever set foot in the US ever again. We can talk all we want about most Americans not wanting this, but it still happened. The fact that this is even a serious discussion tells volumes.

        I dont know if this can ever be mended.

          5 days ago

          It is dependent entirely on what the American citizens do from here on out to me. If they do something to stop this en mass I will forgive them. But I doubt they will do more than lament about it online at most. Half of them support this idiot.

            5 days ago

            I’ve been talking about this a lot. We don’t have a unified banner fight under. Our liberal leadership are weak, and they undermine the leftists and progressives who want to actually fight.

            Bernie Sanders is rallying people all over the country right now, getting them angry. Most people I know are livid.

            We need a spark to light the powderkeg.

            Personally speaking, I’ve already been making plans to leave. I have no pride in this place. I never have. My girlfriend is a citizen of Mexico and I have the ability to work from there if I want. I’m going there to scout places to live next Thursday.

            Anyway, for what it’s worth, I’m rooting for the rest of the world. Trump and his goons can keep the mess they’ve made. Unless fighting breaks out in Seattle, its none of my business. To hell with this country.

            (Good seeing you again, Crux. The fediverse is actually still a small place.)

              5 days ago

              lol it is. I find myself arguing with someone in one comment section and then agreeing with them and telling them how cool they are in another lots of the time. It’s funny.

                5 days ago

                I know it’s no consolation, but not all of us down here are shit-bags. I am the son of an immigrant, I speak a few languages, have traveled around the world several times. I’ve always been keenly aware of how awful the United States are. It’s always been a point of embarrassment for me. Over the last 10 years, though, I’ve had to come to terms with leaving.

                It’s hard to just give up a whole life. I have friends, a community, family, and belongings that I will have to choose to leave behind.

                But I’m unhappy here.

                Just know that while it’s easy to say “all Americans can fuck off,” and largely I am on board with that, those of us who want change can’t seem to find a way to make it happen. Voting failed us majorly twice. I’m not fully convinced that the tech sector didn’t help usher this asshole into power.

          5 days ago

          I responded to Cruxifux below, but it applies to this comment. For what it’s worth, I agree with your sentiment.

      5 days ago

      I think I’d just supporting the inevitable insurgency. Lots of Americans would probably join in as well. I’m sure China and Russia would gladly supply support. Putin’s such a good buddy with Trump, he might even not smile as he funds the absolute destruction of the US for generations at pennies on the dollar.

      It’s the stupidest speculative future I can imagine. Who gains in this scenario? Why do something so obviously self destructive? Thing is, who would start a trade war and “joke” about annexation so much? Only someone so ill-informed that they can’t remember how Afghanistan played out (twice) as well as Vietnam, Iraq, etc. Look how much Russia has bled in Ukraine, and to gain so little.

      This isn’t Europa Universalis IV. The strength of empires is not built on force of arms. It’s built on the ability to wage war at an industrial scale, to maintain the supply lines and build the tools of destruction. More than that, it the ability to develop the connections to never need to war, and make war too costly.

      The steel and aluminum tariffs are a great example of that. Alcan (now Rio-Tinto Alcan), originally Aluminum Company of Canada, is the largest producer of aluminum in the world. It was originally a subsidiary of Alcoa, Aluminum Company of America. It was an example of “friendshoring” or “nearshoring”. Canadian aluminum helped build the Spitfires and Mustangs, the Lancasters and Flying Fortresses of WW2. Similar with steal. Since then, it’s only become more interconnected. The cold war wasn’t won in the fields of Vietnam, but in the studios of Hollywood and the factories of the Free World. Now Trump is throwing that away. For what? That’s the scary thing, I remember learning about Mercantilism in Grade 10. The President of the US is operating at a Grade 10 level of understanding of the fate of nations. He’s just ignorant enough he could do something really stupid.

      “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity" —Sun Tzu, probably the one quote Trump ever saw.

      “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” ― Sun Tzu, the chapter Trump never got to.