A measles outbreak in rural West Texas has surged to 49 confirmed cases, mostly among unvaccinated school-age children, with officials suspecting hundreds more unreported infections.
The outbreak is centered in Gaines County, home to a large Mennonite population with low vaccination rates. Despite CDC support, Texas has not requested federal intervention.
The outbreak has now spread to Lubbock, raising wider public health concerns.
Experts warn it could persist for months without increased vaccination efforts, but skepticism toward vaccines remains a significant barrier.
Olivia, my eldest daughter, caught measles when she was seven years old. As the illness took its usual course I can remember reading to her often in bed and not feeling particularly alarmed about it. Then one morning, when she was well on the road to recovery, I was sitting on her bed showing her how to fashion little animals out of coloured pipe-cleaners, and when it came to her turn to make one herself, I noticed that her fingers and her mind were not working together and she couldn’t do anything.
“Are you feeling all right?” I asked her.
“I feel all sleepy,” she said.
In an hour, she was unconscious. In twelve hours she was dead.
Roald Dahl, pleading with people to vaccinate their children against measles.
According to the doctors from the DoYourOwnResearch University - like donvict, Joe Rogan, and Brainworms - it’s probably because she didn’t eat properly, get enough sunshine, and work out. Maybe a dose of HCQ or horse dewormer to top it off and she’s be in top-top shape. And getting those chakras aligned…
Obviously, /s
Anti-vaxxers and the bullshit artists calling themselves “skeptics” (they are NOT FUCKING SKEPTICS, by the way - the abuse of that term is maddening) drive me crazy. They can all go fuck themselves. They are fine with killing people, even children, rather than admit they have no fucking clue what they are talking about. It’s all about them and their goddamn ego.
And much like a novel of his works, a bunch of kids are going to have to die for us to figure this out.
Maybe we can call them late term abortions to get Republicans to actually give a fuck about all the kids harmed by anti vaccination
They will continue to die and let their children die to spite the rest of us.
Hahaha, that is really funny. People in red states dieing because of a disease we wiped out almost entirely. I really gotta open a “child coffin” plant in Texas.
It stops when all the unvaxxed kids die
Might have to start building walls around the areas where idiots are giving each other preventable diseases.
RFK will recommend drinking water, take a vitamin and suck it up. Nothing to see here, move along. I feel sorry for the children who are led by their dumb fucked up parents.
Next up, Polio.
And it will never end til everyone who can contract measles, contracts it. TX does not care, and neither does RFK Jr. Shrug.
I would totally gloat on the FO, but it sucks for the non-idiotic Texans and those that can’t get vaxed. :-/
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We in Europe
The part that sucks in all of this: the children who died didn’t choose to not get the vaccine. Their parents did.
Not vaccinating your children should be cited as child abuse. Because, it is.
They might not die. They might just go blind or dead or have brain damage.
But no autism! Cause that’s wOrSt PoSsIbLe thing!
As the parent of an autistic child, I’d much rather him be alive and autistic than killed by a completely preventative means.
Of course, that doesn’t even matter because vaccines don’t fucking cause autism.
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Man… That’s a good point. These people are so fucked up.
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Works in mysterious ways, right?
Damn, lucky kids. If only the rest of us could get a guiltless exit. (No Im not suicidal)
Sending you a virtual hug. Life is hard and everyone needs hugs now and then
How bad are the measles, really? Asking because I was born in the 1st fucking world and never met anyone under a 100 that met someone with it.
We think of measles as a minor viral infection of kids that causes fever, rash, and a runny nose, and goes away without major complications. Unfortunately, that is not always so. Nervous system disease is a particular problem. SSPE occurs as a late, fatal measles complication in one out of 1,367 cases of measles in children younger than 5. One out of 1,000 children with measles gets an infection of the brain (encephalitis) early in the course of measles. About 15% of children with measles encephalitis die. Measles encephalitis led to the death of the writer Roald Dahl’s daughter Olivia.
Children’s brains can also develop an allergic reaction to the measles virus several weeks after infection. This is called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Children seem to recover, then get fever, confusion, headaches, and neck stiffness. Like SSPE and measles encephalitis, ADEM occurs in about one out of 1,000 cases of measles. It is fatal in 10% to 20% of patients. Survivors of measles encephalitis and ADEM often have epilepsy, brain damage, or developmental delay.
Measles has other serious complications. During pregnancy, it causes miscarriages. Measles can infect the cornea, and was once a common cause of blindness. Ear infections and hearing loss are frequent. Measles virus also infects the lungs, causing pneumonia in 3% to 4% of cases. Measles weakens the immune system for at least two months. Sometimes patients die of other infections immediately after they recover from measles. In a measles epidemic that killed more than 3,000 soldiers in the US Army in 1917–18, bacterial pneumonia was the major cause of death.
Measles: The forgotten killer - John Ross, MD, FIDSA, Contributor; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing
Yeah, but this doesn’t happen if you eat right, work out, get your chakras aligned and get enough vitamin D from sunshine, right?
IKR? This is what it has come to…definitely not serious, BTW.
But the level of Poe’s Law has only gotten worse with time, it seems.
Essentially, when you’re infected with measles, your immune system abruptly forgets every pathogen it’s ever encountered before – every cold, every bout of flu, every exposure to bacteria or viruses in the environment, every vaccination. The loss is near-total and permanent. Once the measles infection is over, current evidence suggests that your body has to re-learn what’s good and what’s bad almost from scratch.
current evidence suggests that your body has to re-learn what’s good and what’s bad almost from scratch
While that’s horrifying, I wonder if it could offer a glimpse into ways to get rid of allergies.
Wow that’s nuts.
Well, that sounds pretty bad, but how contagious is it?
Extremely, iirc. According to wikipedia:
It is extremely contagious: nine out of ten people who are not immune and share living space with an infected person will be infected.[5] Furthermore, measles’s reproductive number estimates vary beyond the frequently cited range of 12 to 18,[17] with a 2017 review giving a range of 3.7 to 203.3
For context the reproductive number (average number of unexposed people a carrier will infect) of the most virulent strains of COVID-19 is 3-8. See: (basic vs effective rate refers to the infectiveness in a naive population vs one which is taking measures and/or has immunity).
This is also all exponential so small increases in R number have big impacts nya.
Pretty sure measles is the one where you can catch it by just walking into a room where someone where an infected person was two hours ago.
Imagine it’s third period trig and you caught measles from the kid who was in first period trig without ever having seen him.
It’s bad. Afaik measles is the most contagious disease we’ve ever seen.
Extremely contagious
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I appreciate the thought, but I just copied and pasted Dr. Ross’s article. Bestof should probably be kept for things produced by community members.
I have no first-hand experience with it either, but understand that in addition to its direct shitty flu-like symptoms and the telltale rash, it has this strange ability to factory reset your immune system so you get to go through all those other diseases your body fought off in the past again.
Vaccinations too.
Y’know…maybe that’s why the anti-vaxxers want measles. And want it to make a comeback.
“In the US, 20 percent of people with measles are typically hospitalized. Five percent develop pneumonia, and up to 3 in 1,000 die of the infection. In rare cases, measles can cause a fatal disease of the central nervous system called Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which develops years after infection. Measles also wipes out immune responses to other infections (a phenomenon known as immune amnesia), making people vulnerable to other infectious diseases.”
In the US, 20 percent of people with measles are typically hospitalized.
1 in 5 people with measles are hospitalized. Good thing they’ve got socialized healthcare to cover that!
Oh… wait.
Kills around 3/1000 in the US, BUT
Measles is a leading cause of vaccine-preventable childhood mortality.
REALLY fucking bad
Roald Dahl’s daughter died from an escalated case of measles. 1962 or something.
Compared to a lot of terrible shit, less bad? But still bad. You’d have to be young or old to die from it with modern medicine.
If there is a bed available at the hospital, and you can afford the extra expense.
modern medicine.
So with RFK we’re doomed.
modern medicine.
Like vaccines!
Sorry, we can’t talk about illegal drugs.
Isn’t the measles the one where you can live with modern medicine, but you’re still likely to be disfigured possibly even paralyzed in some manner? Or is that the mumps I’m thinking of?
If you JUST get measles, you should be fine. The issue is the potential for immune amnesia - meaning the potential for opportunistic infection is incredibly high, as is the potential for that infection to become serious.
Are you thinking of polio?
Roadkill RFK will be harvesting their dead for food. Allegedly.
Even worse, he’ll leave them in Central Park.
I hope some day we can invent some sort of treatment that could prevent kids from ever getting this disease.
My greatest fear is that we will never find the cure for being an idiot. I know for some people that the disease is fatal.
Luckily for you we’ll soon be able to test your fear “Trump’s education secretary may be asked to dismantle the Education Department. Here’s what it does” AP February 2025
Anti-vax adults should not have children.
Like why don’t they just make something that makes the disease not hurt us and then put it in our bodies… Why do they have to have all this lab processed shit that they don’t actually know what it does and try to put it in our bodies…
I had this idea, like what if we used our own cells to make some of the identifying surface proteins of viruses and stuff, and use that to train our immune system on what to look for. We wouldn’t even need to cultivate the pathogen itself at all.
Your using big words… You must be one of them folks we have to stab with our pitchforks… Get the hell out of here
You know what’s interesting is that the first real anti-vaxxers started because old vaccines would use pus from an infected cow. Something about it being unholy worship of cow or some nonsense.
Now the anti-vaxx crowd is all crying about synthetics… Can’t make anyone happy.
The truly OG anti-vaxxers had some among them that thought it was against their god’s will to combat disease, if you can fucking believe it (people are stupid and horrible, it turns out):
To treat small pox was seen as a form of blasphemy—a moral evil that refused to recognize that epidemics were acts of God.
I just don’t understand how such a “god” could be worthy of worship, then. Imagine losing 9 children before they reached adulthood. I’d flip this “god” of theirs the bird, and try the cure, thankyouveryfuckingmuch.
Well puss is gross man…