I’m hoping it’s just something stupid.

I’ve been playing around with rtl_433 for a while, and started making decoders for various bits of kit I have. When I run things on a laptop, with the same dongle, I pick things up no problem.

Yesterday, I tried to start integrating it with HASS. I installed this 433 wrapper, and Mosquitto Broker.

The 433 wrapper seems to work, and devices are decoded in the log when I use a generic config. But when I use one that pushes to MQTT, nothing shows up in the 433 logs other than the connection to MQTT, and nothing seems to be logged on the MQTT.

I vaguely remember reading that the simple Mosquitto broker only had a limited set of devices supported, but I can’t seem to find where I read that now :|

  • klangcola@reddthat.com
    1 year ago

    You might be on the wrong track with the last paragraph. Does the mosquito broker even support “devices”? Doesn’t it just support generic topics and messages?

    It sounds like for whatever reason rtl_433 is not pushing messages to your MQTT broker. Check with MQTT Explorer if you haven’t already

    Double check your MQTT connection settings in rtl_433. Also try changing QOS settings to see if it helps

  • vacuumpizzasA
    1 year ago

    I’m a few versions behind, but I’m using the add-on without issue. A few things I would check if my setup failed:

    1. The wrapper has 2 major components. Make sure you’re running both of them.
    2. Slim down your config.
    3. You mentioned you have your own decoders. Double check the rtl_433 version that’s being used in the add-on to ensure everything is compatible.

    From the /r/homeassistant lurking days, I know that some other people skip the add-on in favor of using a script or another machine that proxies the data into HA. So there are a few other options in case the add-on approach doesn’t seem to be working quite right.

    • GreatAlbatross@feddit.ukOPM
      1 year ago

      The decoders I’d hashed together were not very “proper” at all, just devices with chunks of the data interpreted as values.

      What I should really do is figure out how to contribute them properly to the project as actual devices, then pull that in.

  • GreatAlbatross@feddit.ukOPM
    1 year ago

    Hello, thankyou for all the helpful comments.

    rtl_433 MQTT Auto Discovery is now installed. Following that being set up, I got a couple of pushes of data from the (well known) temperature sensor I have. Just the one, because I think I broke something afterwards.
    But that’s OK; We’re starting to win the battle!