Hiya folks, the last PC I built had a top-of-the-line ATI Radeon 9800 in an AGP port. I’m on a PowerSpec prebuilt now, which is working fine.

My kids are ready to graduate from the spare laptop to an actual PC, and I want to build it with them so they learn about ESD and the joys of thermal paste. I plan to have the kids upgrade these in pieces over the next few years as/if they grow to need more power.

They mostly play minecraft, fortnight, and roblox. They don’t care about max graphics or AAAA games or max FPS yet, but maybe they will in the future. I still don’t.

I’m trying to keep it under $800, and I already have OK but not great 1080p work monitors.

Here’s my first draft: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vxcfFZ

I’m very open to suggestions on any front!

  • Macaroni_ninja@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    The 7500F is also an option if you want to shave off a bit of the price, depending on local availability for OP (or from AliExpress if you feel adventurous ;) ) It can be found as low as under 150 USD/EUR. Its basically a 7600 without the integrated graphics.