We see them have backpacks or bags but rarely do we see what’s inside. They definitely don’t have clothes since they don’t change into anything. Maybe food,water,ammo but they should have more. Or sometimes there packs are too light like they don’t have anything
I appreciate that in The Last of Us, they touched on the subject of menstruation. She had a box of tampons in her pack, and I think they scored some TP too at some point.
Also, these are great to stop bleeding and cover wounds in a pinch
A towel.
You can do a lot with a towel. Just have to be creative
You are one hoopy frood.
Yes, one should always know where their towel is.
Wanna get high…?
You wanna get high?
Usually they carry some baby that they had during the apocalypse. For some reason people can’t be bothered to raid the abandoned pharmacies for free condoms or birth control pills.
Hey, did you hear — the zombies are attracted to loud sounds. Better bring some kids into this hellscape so they can scream their heads off and get us all killed!
Yeah its supposed to be a ray of hope. Like making sure humanity continues but that’s only good if you already have a base and supplies
Most of the time, plot armor. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a pack or bag in a movie or tv show that appeared to have what it should have in it.
I agree, this has been on my mind for a while. I think the only time I’ve seen a survivors pack was in sweet tooth and the last of us when they took out sleeping bags
Sort of like the “Hollywood suitcase”, which appears to be just about big enough for some underwear and a hairbrush, when I’m lugging clean clothes, toiletries, shoes, pyjamas, all for a weekend away.
Based on Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead right now:
- 9mm + spare magazine
- Ruger Mini-14 carbine
- mini acetylene torch
- multitool
- trauma medical kit with at least a couple doses of everything and antiseptic
- hack saw
- short rope
- entrenching tool
- crowbar
- couple lock picks
- binoculars
- mini lighter
- gas mask
- welding goggles
- headlamp
- earplugs
- hairpins
What’s cataclysm dark days ahead Also that’s a good list. I see list people use bit they have way too much to carry
CDDA is a 2D top down roguelike survival game, set in an apocalypse where zombies, aliens, hellspawn and so many other horrible things have shown up everywhere and completely pushed back humanity to the brink of extinction. There are so many real world items like specific gun brands and models, foods with lots of recipes to make bigger and better meals with, recreational drugs tucked into drawers and the pockets of felled zombies.
You could play like a survivalist hobo out in the woods living off the land away from all the carnage and sipping pine needle tea all day while tending to your crops, or explore cities overrun with undead and using night to cover your tracks as you hop through open windows, climb up downspouts and leap from roof to roof. Or you could head down into secret labs to loot cybernetic implants and mutagenic compounds to become something more than human.
You could do quests for NPC factions and also build a team of NPC followers of your own so that you can (over a long period of time and a significant resource investment) build up the structures in your own custom settlement, sending your followers out on missions.
Or you can find enough materials, tools, vehicle parts and mechanics skill books, to become a master mechanic and build up your own custom armored super car, once you tire of walking or bicycling everywhere or driving a bog standard sedan you fixed up off the road.
The controls are very complicated, and if you’re the type to get mad when the devs change or nerf something you were used to, you’ll be pissed a lot. Some of the things I said may not even be accurate any more, I know custom vehicle construction got way harder after the last time I played, among other things, but otherwise it’s one of the most intricate and complex games out there, in a usually fun way, with very good mod support.
Thanks. This game actually sounds really interesting
Open source game: https://cataclysmdda.org/releases/
I don’t think I’ve seen any hard apocalypse content in the same way there is hard science fiction. Even in most zombie content the zombies are secondary to the human antagonists.
I think Cormac McCarthy’s The Road may fit the bill a little bit as far as “hard post-apocalyptic”. I can’t say for sure, as I didn’t finish the book. I found it to be too depressing at the time. Which, duh, but it goes to show that the author is uninterested in the power fantasy that often accompanies the genre.
I agree and it is worth finishing.
I think it depends on the series. Like the walking dead the zombies were a big the art until they learned how to deal with them. Then they became fodder and were only a the art when they had a huge wave of them.
Possibly sometimes they’re carrying it just in case they find something worth bringing along.
Could be, but they don’t always loot for stuff unless it for plot. They usually are given stuff from other survivors
Feminine products and Imodium. One of my biggest fears is being kidnapped and not having those things. They let you keep your backpack when you’re kidnapped, right? Chapstick would also be nice.
No chapstick but Eli uses cat oil and says it works the same way.
I don’t get why anyone would carry around a gun in the Apocalypse, you have limited ammo and no way of getting more. IMO a good backpack should have MREs, some arrows, a crossbow, medical supplies, and a water purifier.
Presumably they’re only carrying guns they have ammo for, or guns they want others to think they have ammo for. If you got it, may as well use it, and if others think you got it, they may not be so quick to use their own. Also ammo isn’t that hard to make.
Crossbows don’t fire arrows, they fire bolts
That’s an “inside baseball” term that randos won’t know, and a bolt is a type of arrow so the randos are technically correct.
Crossbow bolts and modern arrows are not something you could produce more of in an apocalyptic scenario. A trad bow can use wooden arrows, but producing arrows capable of taking down large game is quite a challenge, and not something you can just go out and do in a pinch with a pocket knife and some sticks.
Arrows are reusable, but as someone who bow hunts, 100 bullets would probably last longer for me than a dozen arrows. If you miss your target, you can easily lose an arrow, or break it on a rock, break it on bone, break it by hitting your own arrow. Damaged arrows are really dangerous to try to use.
What are you saying? Ammo doesn’t finish in TV world
If you have a gun and at least some ammo and you also think you’re likely to need to defend yourself with weapons then I think the gun’s going to be better for so long as you can keep it operational, than a crossbow. Both need skill to use but I’d wager myself having a little more luck with the gun and it’s probably going to be a lot more deadly and if you miss you have a little more opportunity to try again than you might with a crossbow. that’s going to be awkward to try and reload in the heat of the moment, by yourself.