• krashmo@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Hockey really is better than all other sports for fans. I say that as someone who did not grow up playing or watching hockey and only started watching about 4 years ago.

    The games are exciting and not too long, regular breaks are built in but when play is happening there’s not much down time, it hasn’t yet gotten absurdly over-commercialized compared to many other sports (in both senses of that word), and attending a game is more fun than any other sporting event I’ve experienced.

    Seriously, I’ve been to hundreds of football games from middle school all the way up to professional, along with quite a few baseball / basketball / wrestling / track events and I would say all but one of my all-time favorite sporting events were one of the relatively limited number of hockey games I’ve been to. They are a ton of fun even for new fans who have basically no idea what’s going on.

    • BenVimes@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      …it hasn’t yet gotten absurdly over-commercialized…

      As someone who grew up watching hockey, I’m sad to report that it seems to be trending that way.

      In the early 2000s, most of the commercial sponsors were limited to ads between periods, at least on Hockey Night in Canada. Those ads were for things like pickup trucks and beer. I do know that American broadcasts would have things like “the KFC power play,” which was cringy.

      I watched my first games in over a decade during the playoffs last year and was appalled by how betting odds and the associated apps had taken over both the ad space and the analyst desk.

      My son will probably start getting into sports in the next few years, and I’m not looking forward to trying to convince him that no, we can’t win $10k from FanBet or SportsOdds or GambleKing or whatever.

    • jawa21@lemmy.sdf.org
      4 months ago

      I started to enjoy watching it maybe 5 years ago, and I couldn’t agree more. The OP isn’t wrong in that it’s been hidden, though and that is so frustrating. Thanks to the blackouts, it is really expensive or impossible to watch most NHL games here so I mostly don’t, which sucks.

    • BruceTwarzen@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      I never cared for team sports at all. I rather went to concerts and stuff like that. A friend told me that you have to see it live, it’s so much better. So he took me to a soccerball match. I thought: this is kind of cool, kinda like a festival, people buy merchandise and scatter around, random way too drunk people, all that jazz. Then the game started nd they introduced the players one by one. The home team, so “our” team was first. The fans yelled their names. Then the other team, Ireland was next. The commentators said their first name and the whole stadium yelled “hurensohn” (son of a bitch). I was like: okay, cringe, but everyone around me padded themselves on the back because how funny it was. It never got better, the game was boring as fuck and the fans were obnoxious as hell, calling every other player gay or a faggot or whatever weirdo thing. I had to separate from the group and just wandered around. I met some irish guys and they were super cool, so i just hung out with them on their side for the rest of the game. It was better, but still boring and a super cringefest.

      A few years later i won tickets to the spengler cup, and i didn’t want to go at first, because of my soccerball experience, but fuck it, it was free and i could just leave. Despite not really liking or understanding the sport, it was waaaaaay waaaay better. People were nicer, more respectful abd i had an overall good time.