Joanna Berry is a Canadian immigration and refugee lawyer in Ontario, Canada. On October 2, two Niagara Police Officers, one of them a sergeant detective, paid her a visit to her home. They told her they were there on behalf of the Ottawa Police Department because of her “personal social media.” They begin to tell her that “10 lawyers who are of the Jewish faith” have filed a complaint with the police about her social media. As you can tell from the video, Joanna Berry, is outraged by the visit and clearly distraught. I reached out to the Niagara Regional Police for comment but they did not respond to my inquiry. I spoke with Joanna Berry also and she gave OTL Media permission to publish the video. She told us that she wants Canadians to see it and for the video to be a warning.

“This is very Orwellian”

On The Line Media is run by Samira Mohyeddin, a multi-award-winning journalist, documentary maker, and producer at CBC Radio One’s The Current.

    11 hours ago

    Was that the kettling incident? G20 in Toronto. The only time I’ve seen a police car set on fire in Canada. And the first use of tear gas in the City of Toronto.

    Allegedly, “black bloc” troublemakers, started the property destruction. Whether this was done with tacit approval by police is an open question. Needless to say, police responses to protests on the days of the sunmit were found to be lacking.

    Oh, btw, still, fuck John Baird and definitely fuck Tony Clement. My introduction to fuckery in Canada’s politics came from watching these two refuse to answer questions in Parliament for months. The one person I saw trying to hold these two Harper cabinet ministers to account was good ol’ Charlie Angus.

    That said, fuckery is now status quo and Charlie Angus has said he’ll not seek re-election.

      1 hour ago

      Vancouver playoff riots didn’t police cars get burnt then.