#ALTtext: A screenshot capture shows the cookies settings popup window of a current website. The first sentence of the popup starts: “We and our 843 partners store and access personal data…” The screenshot is annotated. “843 partners” is highlighted with “Is that all?” written beside it
It’s like asking a new sex partner if it’s OK to not use a condom.
“Don’t worry, me and all my 843 previous partners are all clean”
Tbf it only matters in your scenario if the one you’re gonna do whatever with is clean. STIs are not guaranteed to transfer.
Agreed … but if your new partner had been with 843 other people, it increases the chances of something being passed on … like a South East Asian ad for a gambling website in Singapore that offers me three free spins.
Usually prefaced by “We value your privacy”.
No. Fuck you… You only care about your own morbidly obese bottom line, and there is a law obligating you to ask/extort/trick us into consenting.
Droidcam OBS is a perfrct example of this shit. Took me over 5 minutes to disable all the “legitimate interest” options. Pure cancer.