Im looking for an app for android that allows streaming audio books, downloads ect.
Any favorites? From fdroid or mobilism?
Edit: I have audiobookshelf hosted and a small library, but I want a deeper selection. Im not looking for an audio book player so much as a streaming app with access to anything.
Horrible, in your opinion… Genuine scholars will have books of differing opinions from their own on their shelf. Or else they would just be in an echo chamber. Besides, what does one’s political take have to do with the quality of the software that they work on? It’s like those that quit drinking Bud Light. Who cares who they sponsor, you like the beer or you don’t.
Maybe. But these aren’t differing opinions, but all roughly the same horrible opinion. I like George Orwell. But putting him next to Rand, Hayek, etc. puts 1984 into a different context.
The politics of these fellas strictly countradict the philosophy most FOSS projects follow. It’s not a big deal, but makes me do a double take.
Apples and oranges. Never said I’d boycot the software, or anything. It was jus a comment, chill.