I’d be willing to bet even if you pay the 5,000 you wouldn’t be getting fabric from that actual suit. Donald Duck is such a grifter even his grifts are grifts
Don’t call this POS Donald Duck. Donald Duck canonically is a War Vet with PTSD that constantly was griping at Scrooge for not helping the community enough. Donald Duck is based AF.
Plus he didn’t have pants to cut up
Is this a real comic panel?
As far as I’m aware. I read the comic it’s a part of. They went to Egypt to try to excavate a tomb IIRC, but I’m probably conflating two different comics.
My bad 😂
In the 90s there were enough “pieces of the Berlin Wall” going around to build the Great Wall of China. I suspect it will be something similar.
There’s a little monument in my city that has a piece of the Berlin Wall on a stone pedestal. There’s a plaque commemorating the fall of the wall. Underneath is a smaller, newer plaque that says “this is not a real piece of the Berlin Wall”
I wonder if they got grifted by one of those fakes in the 90s, that would explain it
There are legitimate pieces of the Berlin Wall. You just need to have a picture of it before it came down and you can identify it by the graffiti.
It’s a time-honored tradition:
Not to mention, he never actually had a mugshot.
Wow, just looked it up you appear to be correct 👍
Although from what I see he did have a mugshot taken in Fulton county but the famous one is fake
If only Donald was larger than 6’3" and 215 lbs he might have more suit pieces to go around!
He’s probably larger than one of those dimensions.
(That’s the joke!)
This was my first thought. No way donnie would give up one of his cheap ass suits for this.
People who downvoted this comment can lick my taint. What keeps you on lemmy when everyone trashes your guy? Slurp that shit like a porno, make it tingle.
Grabs bag of coke. Step right up folks, step right up!
$1,000 says that:
a) that’s not the actual suit he wore
b) there’s a lot more than a single suit worth of fabric up for sale.The former president has released a series of digital trading cards priced at $99 each and anyone who buys all 47 will receive a physical card containing a piece of the “priceless” navy suit and be invited to a gala dinner at Mar-a-Lago.
They aren’t even selling the suit. They’re selling digital trading cards, LMAO. Collect em all and get a piece of garbage and cheeseburder.
If I thought there was actually a dinner at the end of it and that I could talk to him I would go just to be like
“Yo, you’re the guy on the cards. I didn’t know you actually existed”
“I wish I looked as good as I do on those cards, that I can tell you,” the former president says in the video.
“They give me muscles where, believe me, I don’t have them.”
This may be the most honest and down-to-earth thing he’s ever said
to be fair its trumps suit there has to be a lot of fabric to cover his fat ass
They’re not well fitted either, gotta hide his figure. Also why does his dang tie hang halfway to his knees?
Also why does his dang tie hang halfway to his knees?
Covering his balls?
I’m pretty sure his stomach already does that.
I wonder how many in his base might legit think he has abs like those absurd cartoon images of him.
And c) his dumb fuck supporters will buy it all up anyway
Edit: didn’t read a comment that said basically the same thing.
As all legitimate billionaires do.
It’s weird how we don’t see Gates, Musk, Zuckerberg, etc., hawking NFTs of themselves.
i mean, you can’t stay rich by spending your own money. plus, he’s got some monitor that yells when he spends money he didn’t ask to spend.
losers going to con.
This is literally turn-of-the-20th-century huckster bullshit lol
How do his people fall for this
I mean, just look at religion. People are stupid.
There’s a new sucker born every minute.
His entire voting base are ignorant hicks.
They aren’t though. He won 51% of the white, college-educated vote.
Those are the people falling for this, somehow.
Oh, my sweet summer child…
I suspect money laundering or illegal donations. It’ll sell out, just like his NFT playing cards. Not because people like my dad are clamoring for it, but because people that can’t give him money publicly will buy them.
Aren’t there more effective ways to do this, like $10000 a night stays at mar-a-lago?
This stuff does seem, at least, to be aimed at the shit munchers
I would think that this is less trackable. Trump is under a microscope in several courts and if they found that 100 people stayed in the same suite on the same night and nobody actually showed up then it’s a bright red flag. But selling chunks of suit in the mail? It’s unorthodox by design.
What I mean is that, at $10000 a night, you can book a 10 day stay and fork over $100k for what looks like a regular stay at a hotel resort.
Buying 10000 pieces of suit in the mail is… Well, okay, I don’t know what that is. You’re right about unorthodox, JFC.
Trump obviously hates precedent.
Then why does he have it written on his name badge?
I wonder how many suits could be made with all the sold pieces.
Out of the regular suit?
Because there’s no way he’ll stop selling pieces claiming it came from that suit. I’d be surprised if any are honestly, I bet Rudy (or some other idiot) found a bag of scraps at a tailorshop and that’s what they’re selling.
12 baskets full
I laugh a bit every time I think of some teabagger dumbass falling for donnie’s “never surrender” nonsense when it’s an actual picture of him surrendering.
I wouldn’t call it surrendered until he’s actually in jail with no bond. At this point he could still very well find a way out of the country if he’s even convicted.
And judging by the shit show the courts have allowed thus far, I’m sadly not holding my breath.
I mean, point taken. He’s not properly locked up like he should be. I’m just saying the mugshot is taken during his literal surrender - the fourth time he did this year, by the way. But he tells his idiot base “never surrender” and sells them pics…of actual evidence of his surrender. It’s beyond idiotic.
I hope everyone that bought such a t-shirt, mug, etc…is reminded that their little memorabilia is a replica of his surrender.
Unfortunately I think it’s the government flirting around a possibility they know is very real because we saw it once -
You lock up Trump and the justice department will come under siege immediately by his voters, and you either let them win and they win, or you use violence against the violence against the government and they win (because self defense is tyranny to them.)
I mean the govt has been known to use the military against civilian protests.
Don’t remember which president it was but he ordered the army* to open fire on civilians protesting on the white house lawn. Also police bombing buildings. It’s funny when fellow Americans act like we don’t live in a country where the govt will actively kill you if you go against their wishes enough.
*I don’t remember if it was the army or the national guard
It’s this the presidential version of Belle Delphines bath water? It’s Trump getting an onlyfans next?
He’s part Ferengi.
Quark is like “hey Donnie bump it down a notch”
“I wish I looked as good as I do on those cards, that I can tell you,” the former president says in the video.
“They give me muscles where, believe me, I don’t have them.”
Hey look, he actually can tell the truth.
How much for the diaper he wore?
The ones who argued his public mugshot would lose him supporters were idiots. Always got my comments buried for saying rhat and how the first thing he’d do was market his mugshot and exploit it for his political brand yet here we are.
I remeber you.
I knew you were right. I downvoted you because I didn’t want you to be right. It was a Farnsworth “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore!” downvote. I do not apologize.
I do not apologize.
upvoted for the defiance
Yeah, that’s just not how cults work. Especially when the idol is supposedly “counter culture” due to the “deep state” having it out for them.
The more you (deservedly) vilify him, the harder the zealots chant.
It’s the same as in 2016 how Trump supporters would share clips and compilations of reactions to him from liberal media personalities, and how Hillary invented the “deplorable” slogan for them. His political brand was built by reactions to him largely from liberal media.
I actually got to think that way and was surprised that he’s unashamedly using his mugshot to his benefit.
But I don’t care. That mugshot is a delight to see. A US president’s mugshot? A corrupt one? I’m loving it!
“he’s so broke, he has to literally sell the clothes off his back.”
-defense attorney in ny state fraud trialNothing says “I’m so rich” like a fundraiser selling pieces of your clothing.
I only support his grifting because it’s taking away money that would otherwise be going to reelecting Republicans.