I’ve heard it explained that “hey” used to be more of an urgent way to get someone’s attention, rather than a casual “hello” like it is now, so it sounded rude to some older folks.
I’ve heard it explained that “hey” used to be more of an urgent way to get someone’s attention, rather than a casual “hello” like it is now, so it sounded rude to some older folks.
Who’s the one insulting people and using abbreviations and emojis while peddling “proper” English? I’ve only pointed out the hypocrisy in your statements and the way you communicate.
Because one of us sounds far more childish than the other, and it couldn’t possibly be the called out hypocrite could it…?
What weird logic.
The whole point of this post was for the Op to show he/she still has a chip on his/her shoulder for something he/she was told as a child. I simply pointed out a more logical reason why the older generation said that. Everything after that has been people justifying using slang instead of the proper terminology because “language evolves”.
Again, I don’t really care how y’all talk, just pointing out that there was a generation of people who actually did.
And I pointed out why they said that, because they are philistines that don’t want language to change, but they have no problem using it when it benefits them. Like Shakespeare terminology, abbreviations like lol and lmfao, and emojis.
Your take was wrong and now you’re insulting people who have pointed this out.
That’s childish lmfao.
Part of another point is, there isn’t any proper English, so how could they be trying to force them to use it instead of slang when there’s never been “proper” English. Because where’s the line? Shakespeare? lol? Emojis! Acsii?
You understand that “philistines” is a reference to Palestinians, right?
You could do with a bit more education in my opinion.
It’s a reference to ancient civilization that resides in the same area that the Palestines do now yes.
Why does that matter?
It a legitimate English word, what’s the concern with using it?
Edit, for the dickwad below
Since the Philistines were completely destroyed during the sixth to fourth centuries BCE, it is clear that no modern nation comes from them, including the Palestinians. So where did the Palestinians come from?
It matters in the context of the world we’re currently living in that this is the insult you’ve chosen.
It makes you look like a bad person.
It’s an ancient civilization that has nothing to do with the current one that occupy the same area.
There’s nothing to be offended about, you’re making connections that aren’t even there. You’re getting offended for someone else over nothing.
Hey dick, I didn’t say you are a bad person.
I simply explained to you that your choice of words makes you seem like a bad person.
You really didn’t need to reply again with evidence to support the conclusion that you likely are.
Saying it makes you look like for intents and purposes is saying that.
And sure, I am a dick for pointing out your lack of historical understanding. How does a civilization that didn’t exist for centuries have anything to do with the Palestine’s…? Please explain the connections of me being “insulting”…?
Because I think you just googled they occupy the same area and thought they were the same civilization that’s always been there. If that was the case, yes it would be insulting in todays world.
My take is wrong, why, because you say so? I’m done going round and round with a millennial. Take care.
I didn’t say so, I explained my reasoning. Your reasoning was it makes you sound like a fifth grader. Nothing wrong with that if the communication gets across right.
You’ve since insulted me instead of responding with a coherent rebuttal. And why have you never responded to what proper English is?