If you have claimed your instance and you’d like someone to guarantee that you’re not spam, please use this page

If you want to see who needs a guarantee and help them out, please visit this page. First check that the instance is not obvious spam of course ;)

  • Ademir
    1 year ago

    There is someone here willing to guarantee me [lemmy.eco.br]?
    we are a brazilian instance with 318 users now.
    our rules are:

        All content must respect the laws of Brazil.
         Respect diversity.
         Have empathy for people.
         Preserve the privacy of ordinary people.
         Sexually explicit content is prohibited.
         Do not spam or post false news or misinformation
    • vacuumpizzasA
      21 year ago

      I tried using all the fancy new tools to guarantee your instance, and it looks like someone already guaranteed you. Best of luck!