Hi guys,

I used the Docker install from here. It was easy to get Automatic1111’s web interface up and running, but I’m trying to add new models and I can’t figure out how to do it.

I’ve created a /data/StableDiffusion folder (which didn’t exist), and added model files from /data/models, with no effect. I’ve added them to /data/models/stable-diffusion (which already exists), with no effect. Is there another location where the files are stored? Do I need to do something else to get them to work?

ETA: Discovered I was using the wrong file type (.pth) instead of the correct one (.ckpt). When I tried it with that file type it works perfectly. Thank you everyone for your quick responses and help! Y’all were way faster and more helpful than Reddit!

  • @webuge@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    21 year ago

    It seems like you are missing a volume mapping from your PC to your Docker. The way it works is that you would put the inside the folder on your PC and it would automatically appear in docker. Could you provide the command you are using? Or if you are using docker-compose the docker-compose.yml?

    • @Rangelus@lemmy.nzOP
      11 year ago

      I used the command to install DS found on the git page

      docker compose --profile download up --buil

      And then to run Automatic1111 I used the following command

      docker compose --profile auto up --build

        • @webuge@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          1 year ago

          Actually I tried running it, the correct folder would be. [PATH_TO_WHERE_YOU_GIT_CLONE]/stable-diffusion-webui-docker/data/models/Stable-diffusion

          • @Rangelus@lemmy.nzOP
            21 year ago

            So I had a sudden thought, went back and tried a different model file that is a .ckpt file rather than the .pth files I was testing with. This worked, so obviously it was a simple matter of the wrong file type. Now I feel foolish!

            Out of curiosity, what is the .pth file type used for?

        • @Rangelus@lemmy.nzOP
          11 year ago

          I’ve tried that. There is already a folder at /data/models/Stable-diffusion that has two .ckpt files that match the options that are available in the web ui. I’ve tried pasting the other .pth files that are in other folders within /data/models but they do not appear as options in the ui.