The thought of this triggers my anxiety. I’m so glad Lemmy exist, but what if Lemmy didn’t. What would the world look like?

  • 001100 010010OP
    41 year ago

    Look at the comment section under some random news story and you find either comments about Hunter Biden, comments supporting racism/slavery, comments promoting Marxism-Lennism, comments spreading religion, conspiracy theories, comments complaining about youtube censorship, even thought your racist ass comment is still up there for over a year. Like who even wants to look at youtube comments.

      61 year ago

      Saw a study the other day that estimated that in 2021 about 45% of internet traffic was bots. Don’t believe every comment you read is someone who believes what they are saying either. There’s been a few cases of troll farms of people getting paid to push trash opinions. When an ideology can’t defend itself with reason they start screaching.

        21 year ago

        A big problem with this is that since 2016 the bots and hired commenters have thoroughly poisoned the intellectual well. What used to be considered extreme in 2016 was so artificially boosted that now real people have completely bought into the bullshit.