Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.
Some really good stuff being worked on
SimpleX will have to return a profit at some point
Isn’t SimpleX VC funded?
What adapter do you have?
Well this was always coming!
One Piece always with the life lessons!
Promoting communities with no posts 😔
I’m in the UK and grabbed a bunch of generic switches of AliExpress and they all work perfectly.
I disagree that genres are bullshit. That said, I don’t know what Jay-Z’s motivations are. If it’s because Hip-Hop has been at the forefront of music for an extended period of time, then they’re pure. But if it’s just a petty, let’s rename it for the sake of upsetting some people, that’s different. We should celebrate music and how things change.
Oh that seems hostile to cyclists. I thought Canada was more progressive than USA
Given that these accusations are all about Brooklyn, wouldn’t that make him more of a Leo Dio?
This is about OG London. But how is cycling in the spin-off?
Yeah, this is them having enough
I know Drake’s stock has fallen, but I don’t think he’s at the point of needing to sell arse.
I remember that I switched to this from Trillian back in the day.
Huh? For the UK to be able to become self sustainable in terms of energy, they absolutely need to switch from gas combination boilers to heat pumps. We obviously know of the benefits of heat pumps because we follow this kinda news, but for the average person, their opinions have been set by people with vested interests in the old system and terrible early installations. I think it’s actually the government doing a good job by promoting technologies like this. works for me