In order to get good recommendations you’re going to need to provide additional information. How many people are playing? How complex can a game be? What games have you tried and loved? Is there a favorite mechanism? What is the game duration you’re going for? 10 min? 30? 3 hours? What’s your budget?
Generic recommendations based on my library:
Just One - Favorite party game
Brass Birmingham - My favorite; Beware it’s quite complex and lasts around 3 hours
Blood Rage - Cool dude’s on a map game with very nice minis
Turing Machine - Good puzzle game
Slay The Spire - If you love slay the spire, you’ll love cooperative slay the spire as well
Menara - Favorite dexterity game
boardgamegeek.com is the imdb of boardgames, check it out.
It’s definitely an underrated game!!