These are fucking hilarious. Keep em coming!
Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches
AC24 1DE5 AE92 3B37 E584 02BA AAF9 795E 393B 4DA0
These are fucking hilarious. Keep em coming!
Trolling seems pretty routine for you.
Let us know when it is. I won’t help test it nor tell anyone about it until it is.
Is it free and open source?
No problem. Thanks for being intellectually honest! I’ll file down the claws in my previous reply. :)
DJED seems to have escaped your notice. It has been humming along without incident for a full year now.
DJED is the first formally verified stablecoin protocol. The use of formal methods in the programming process has greatly contributed to the design and stability properties of Djed. Using formal techniques, the properties are proven by mathematical theorems: *Peg upper and lower bound maintenance: the price will not go above or beyond the set price. In the normal reserve ratio range, purchases and sales are not restricted, and users have no incentive to trade stablecoins outside the peg range in a secondary market. *Peg robustness during market crashes: up to a set limit that depends on the reserve ratio, the peg is maintained even when the price of the base coin falls sharply. *No insolvency: no bank is involved, so there is no bank contract to go bankrupt. *No bank runs: all users are treated fairly and paid accordingly, so there is provably no incentive for users to race to redeem their stablecoins. *Monotonically increasing equity per reserve coin: under some conditions, the reserve surplus per reserve coin is guaranteed to increase as users interact with the contract. Under these conditions, reserve coin holders are guaranteed to profit. *No reserve draining: under some conditions, it is impossible for a malicious user to execute a sequence of actions that would steal reserves from the bank. *Bounded dilution: there is a limit to how many reserve coin holders and their profit can be diluted due to the issuance of more reserve coins.
Algorithmic stablecoins that are actually unhackable (all possible endpoints have been formally verified) exist too. They offer the best of both worlds. I’d like to see something like that on Monero’s successor (whatever that is).
edit: I was thinking that successor would be Midnight…but Midnight is closed source, which is a dealbreaker for me…especially with cryptocurrencies. Perhaps ZCash?
I should mention that only South Korea and Canada have TRUE Single Payer (which is, IMO, what the US should be working toward).
Any other type of “universal healthcare” has the effect of creating a premium lane alongside the regular one. However, if all of society has to use the same healthcare system, they will have no choice but to collectively fight tooth and nail to improve healthcare for everyone. This is the only way, IMO.
What a stupid article.
I’d go Hyprland if you’re looking for something similar to Xmonad for Wayland. It isn’t formally verified like Xmonad is, though.
They’re working on Waymonad as we speak.
If OP didn’t notice, the config I linked also has a Hyprland option. Personally, I’m sticking to Xmonad until Waymonad is ready. Nothing comes close.
ps. I decided to start a sister community to my XMonad one for Waymonad. I will try to post updates there whenever possible.
XMonad would make that exceptionally easy. If you want to try it, I’d recommend doing it on NixOS and just forking a working config that uses a tiling window manager. This is a great config that I used as the foundation for my own:
Math, Haskell, and software engineering in general.
Solana! 😂😂
You can barely detect your own biases! Have a great day. Continue with the fascist bullshit pretending you are ordained from some higher power.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Group efforts to root out fascism or other malcontents
You can read those words, right? Who decides what is and isn’t fascism? Who decides who is the malcontents in society? See what I mean?
🤌🏼your review is ::chef’s kiss::
Thank you.
It is, actually.