Yeah, IDK, my main bike is just an old hardtail MTB. I’d love to have a newer, lighter gravel bike.
Really? Isn’t it run by a tankie too?
I think I have seen your posts on reddit before haha
You lost me at the tankie instance link.
If you still had the sketches I bet people would like to check them out.
Gosh, I remember a whole lot of violence, threats, and other related crimes.
Did you check?
This was my first thought lol, “It looks like it could be cool, right up until something goes wrong, then it just becomes an expensive pain in the ass!”
Call it whatever you want, that’s the reality of the situation: Under the circumstances, it doesn’t ultimately matter where he got it as long as he’s able to spend it.
He’s just doin a little stabbin practice! HYAH!
Definitely not worth it if it doesn’t fit.
I want a touring bike/commuter with a belt. Had been looking at the Priority 600X but it’s still pretty pricey and kinda big for a commuter.
Found the Thunder Cat.
ImSorryJon was popular too
🎶 We’ve only just begun… 🎶
Thanks for the tip! Mine is still pretty pristine but I’ll keep this in mind for when it inevitably needs replaced.
I have it on Android and I love it!
Save us Michaelsoft Binbows!
There’s not really any meaningful outcome to violating it for him, is there?