Good on you learning new skills.
This is why other sysadmins and cybetsecurity exist. Be nice to them.
Good on you learning new skills.
This is why other sysadmins and cybetsecurity exist. Be nice to them.
Sucks the USA will be goaded once more into mass producing methods of deploying nuclear weapons.
You win this round Russia. 2026 will see a massive increase in American military. Just as you request.
Great article.
Maybe also “tags” so the onslaught of bullshit can be organized?
Fun fact. There a lots of discussion in financial spaces that the money doesn’t stop the worry.
It does remove many actual issues though.
Fantastic! I thought I was paraphrasing something!
Few think to check in weather indoors!
Look outside. Is it raining? Then it is raining. It is snowing, then it is snowing. Is it dark? Likely night, wait for light.
I stop ordering from restaurants that shuffle orders to Door Dash.
I wouldn’t mind a local co-op food delivery company.
Amazingly restrained on Linus’ part. He has really grown.
Supplies and boat on a large body of water.
Wait for real life to kill zombies. Or for them to rebuild society.
Oh, no. I don’t mean USA government. I do mean some governments, but also any company between here an there.
Imagin that your company wants to sell user data. There are limits on what your company can sell due to contracts or laws, due to having a relationship with the customers.
Your company leases internet connections from another company, ISP or not, that can sell the data.
Sending the data without SSL provides an okay, if not ideal, method to move that data.
Please include him name in title or tags so filters work.
I promise to never vote Republican, ever.
Edit: I swapped a misleading word for a more accurate word.
I will always doubt elections so long as I cannot verify my vote was actually counted in the final tally.
I always think of Florida in 2000. The hanging chads represented votes denied.
Can it be a Lemmy App, or must it be a Mastodon App?
I ask as I didn’t know the difference when I started.
Can some explain, or… Use words to describe the images, so I know what they are.
Anarchists, and man in beret, and a sports tean pennant are friends?
Maybe they want 3rd parties snooping?
Ah, thank you!
I appreciate you efforts to both explain to me and contribute to open source.
The goal of Goblins is to be able to create regular programs that can be distributed across networked machines/servers/clients easily without having to architect your code explicitly to handle the details of communication across the network.
Ah! So a new MPI!
Any big packages, like AMBER or CHARMM, picking it up?
Get enough sleep and take care of yourself.
Everything is easier after that.
Great job! This is huge for the three of you!
Because you mentioned it,I suggest stocking up on toys and bath colors for when you want to remove yourself from the process. Crayola makes various bath color things. (Bath Dropz are great.)