God loves a fool motherfuckers who are so fresh and so clean clean.
“Ain’t nobody dope as He, He just so fresh and clean.”
-The bible probably idklol
God loves a fool motherfuckers who are so fresh and so clean clean.
“Ain’t nobody dope as He, He just so fresh and clean.”
-The bible probably idklol
Most of these apps are communication apps that need the mic lol, you 100% could have picked better, way more egregious examples.
Omelette du carnage
I don’t get it…
What kind of asshole inflicts more Jared Leto on the world?
Son of a bitch, we’ve reached peak jeanpost.
What the hell is that?
Guess we better fix it then, where’s my pitchfork?
Classic post mortem song.
Boo! Get off the stage HDMI Forum!
Time to jrew some joffee
That hair… :(
Landmine, Gatorade, ???, Turtle?
"It’s my prerogative!
urinates on leg
I’m just gonna come out and say it: Emojis have gone too far.
All of those things existed in 2009, but ok.
Treadle based and grandma pilled
Vertical foregrip on a short barrel shotgun?
ATF wants to know Christ’s location
Classic tactic of fascists: Their enemies (read: scapegoats) are simultaneously weak and strong.