I’d rather fucking kill myself.
This is the real personality tests, fuck Myers-Briggs and astrology. I need to know your choices for stationary.
Definitely 2. Sharpening is such a nice break from writing.
#3 for writing.
I’m a pen/pencil freak who’s spent an amazing amount of money on them, and I’d choose 2.
3 Kuru Toga. Every time
Staedtler 35-05B but I guess 3 looks closest so I’ll take that
I do all my art with 5.
If I’m only allowed one type of pencil it’s good old #2 (I’m more of a pen snob)
Can I just use a pen?
The Pentel Graphgear 1000 is great. I love how it retracts.
METAL KURU TOGA MY GOAT 👑 👑 👑 🐐 🐐 🐐 🔥🔥🔥
You missed an option.
Also, some of these options are not pencils. For a pen I’d go for 5/6.
6 every time.
Also fuck 7, those butcher broke so easily.
I had one similar to (not literally exactly) 6 back in high school, and some really dumb jock took it from me and I’ve wanted it back ever since.
The Bic one is okay, but pushing directly on the eraser to push the lead out isn’t ideal. I always thought that was a design flaw. Having the button on the side of the pencil but away from the index finger is ideal honestly.
And even though we’re not deciding based on lead size for this, I prefer the finer.5 to the more common .7.
Plus the top has a pretty large eraser that you can twist to expose more, so it had a mechanical refillable eraser too, which was pretty cool.
And I got mine in my favorite color, and that fucked just took it.
I was a super sheltered kid, coming fresh off being completely homeschooled (except for a Christian kindergarten), and that year of school was my first social contact with other people outside grocery stores and church. So I didn’t do much about it, as I didn’t have a clue about how anything in real life worked. I wouldn’t figure a lot of it out for still another 16 years, but that’s a different story.
Also at this point I haven’t actually written anything at all with a pencil, pen, or marker for… 15ish years now? Outside of signing my name anyway.