I’ve also seen people say “Snopes debunked Elon’s Nazi salutes”
German newspaper refused to publish the photo. They know a thing or two about nazis.
The adl is a joke and is no longer reputable, after they decried “anti semitism” to any form of protest to the genocide in Palestine.
I didn’t know German newspapers refused to publish the photo but yea, that says a lot.
Not really, Germany is very tough on Nazi imagery. You can’t display anything even close to Nazi stuff unless it is in a strictly historical context. Video games and movies where Nazis are clearly enemies and are killed had to edit swastikas to an analog because it would not be allowed to be released in Germany.
They are so shamed by their past that anything that may plausibly be Nazi stuff is verboten(forbidden auf Deutsch).
So it is the question of it being a Nazi salute or not that makes it radioactive to German media, not that they consider it undeniably a Nazi salute.
movies and videogames didnt have to edit the swastikas out, they are also allowed in artistic works. its just that no studio wanted to go infront of german court to determine wether videogames are art or not. replacing them with the wolfenstein logo seems to be cheaper
There are exceptetions to that law: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strafgesetzbuch_section_86a
Subsection (1) shall not be applicable if the means of propaganda or the act serves to further civil enlightenment, to avert unconstitutional aims, to promote art or science, research or teaching, reporting about current historical events or similar purposes
If there are reasons for German newspapers to omit Musk’s Hitler salute, that’s not it.
They are so shamed by their past
It’s not about shame. It’s about making sure that it will never happen again. That’s why there isn’t a blanket ban on them, Nazi symbols are still very much legal to be shown in educational contexts, for example.
Although, uhh, looking at the current state of affairs it doesn’t seem to be working too well
A quick look at german Newspapers would tell you that this statement is false
https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2025-01/elon-musk-kritik-hitlergruss-geste https://www.br.de/nachrichten/deutschland-welt/elon-musks-arm-geste-reaktion-auf-angeblichen-hitlergruss,UaVppB4 https://taz.de/Elon-Musks-Hitlergruss/!6060000/
I recall seeing a printed news paper front page where the Hitler salute was covered out in blue. I tried finding the front page cover. Are there differences between print and internet media?
There are links to the news paper.
It’s an opinion piece talking about not jumping through the hoops of Musk’s outrage tactic. https://www.zeit.de/kultur/2025-01/elon-musk-hitlergruss-amtseinfuehrung-donald-trump
The same newspaper had the full video online a few days earlier.
Ok but they masked the nazi salute
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command”. - George Orwell, 1984.
The romans never had a salut like that
(As a bonus round you can fight over how it’s pronounced!)It’s pronounced “gif”.
No it’s not, it’s obviously “gif”, what is wrong with you??
Only an absolute lunatic or morally bankrupt cretin would believe that it’s not pronounced “yif,” as our linguistic founders intended.
Laugh at them for having the gall to argue plainly self-evident facts?
Also the ADL is a fucking joke, it’s a propaganda machine for Israel and is one of the main drivers behind calling any criticism of Israel antisemitic in an attempt to discredit it.
Ask them to do the same gesture at a synagogue or other public event
Or in Germany, where it’s literally illegal. They also have some history with Nazis…
“Do the gesture on video, exactly like Musk did, and let me show it to your boss.”
Also, if it looks enough like a Nazi salute for half the country and most of the world to think that’s what it was, then why didn’t Musk come out and address it by denouncing Nazis and apologizing for the unintended similarity? Why did he double down on it with a tone deaf Nazi joke? No serious person in such a powerful position would do that. So at best, he’s an unserious idiot who shouldn’t have his fingers in our government, and at worst, he’s a Nazi.
Ultimately though, if you’re talking to someone who is still making excuses for Musk doing a Nazi salute, there’s very little chance they are ever going to admit that it definitely was a Nazi salute, short of Musk himself coming out and saying “it was a Nazi salute because I’m a Nazi.”
“If you were in front of thousands of people speaking, on camera for hundreds of thousands more, and hand to wipe a speck of dirt out of your eye while you’re speaking and everyone is expected to be focused on you, would you use your middle finger?”
I’d ask if I can take a video of them doing the same thing and send it to their boss, school, etc.
Two other presenters at that conference also did the Nazi salute. He did it twice. How many fucking times can it be an accident?
They are Nazi sympathizers, there probably is no proper way to respond to them.
Some people are just plain refusing to accept it, because what, the woke gay libs would actually be right? They ain’t gonna drain the swamp the good way but the bad way? Nooo, you don’t get it, it’s just a prank bro.
Many Americans think being a Nazi simply means hating Jews, they don’t understand how they’re Nazis through and through.
I bet they would score high on Umbero Eco’s 14 signs of fascism.
If it were accidental, and Musk didn’t want anyone to think it was a Nazi salute, he would have immediately apologized and denounced white supremacy. His reaction is more proof than anything, in my opinion.
people who say that do not live in reality and should be cut out of your life
They don’t honestly believe that, they just trollin
“Anti-Defamation League”, lol. I hate how you can just name something a blatant lie. I’m asking my representatives to pass the Today’s Economic Stability and Liberty Act. As part of it, Musk has to have each dismantling of a government agency or mass firing of workers approved by Congress, and he has to punch himself in the dick, daily.